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  1. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Here's a place that offers free shipping both ways. I had no idea it was so expensive, but it does look like it may do the trick. However I can buy new rock for that price.
  2. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Any suggestion on a good water testing company?
  3. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Rumor is the Brute cans are the ones causing the problems.  It links to other forums as well for more info.  I can say that Linda, in my local club, knows whats going on with tanks and whatnot.  She is part of a 3 person team that are breeding clownfish for sale.  Their new broodstock setup has...
  4. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    even macro algae is dying...hmm there must be something toxic in your tank, ask them to test for other toxins also Tell me about it! That's what we are trying to figure out and where it's coming from. Seems that popular belif is LR but haven't heard may other theroies. When I broke the tank...
  5. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeoJ I would get a testing services to do a water analysis. Compare the results to known ocean water levels. I would also start a turf scrubber or refuge with macro algae to remove any heavy metals. I also thought about sending my water out to a testing service. Also...
  6. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Monsi, I would like to take a gander at that link if you don't mind. Currious to see what some of the issues are with them. Maybe its a certain type of rubbermaid? I know alot of folks do use that brand for water storage. Maybe its a particular one to stay...
  7. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    It was hard to take a picture. It may be to far gone to look great again, but it seems like there is some improvement in the flesh of the coral now that it's in the QT tank with new water. Which makes me think it's not the water source but something "in" my tank. Sounds like you guys are leaning...
  8. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Monsinour what has stayed the same for the 6 years? Since its 2 different locations with 2 different waters, what has stayed the same for the 6 years? I know of people with the rubbermaid issue and can link someone to a thread about it and in that thread, there are...
  9. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB do you know where your source of ammonia is coming from? this thought might be farfetched but there may be something that is using up the oxygen in your tank at too rapid of a rate At this point I'm not sure what is up with the Ammonia because I retested it...
  10. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 Jerry did you buy any rock from Chris? The first 30lb came from that pet place. The rest came from Ebay. I have about 150lb if I remember correctly. I have a 40 Gallon tank that I'm going to setup tomorrow. I will let it run without live rock sand or...
  11. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    I also wanted to make a comment about the LR. 30lb was from my previous tank which I've had success with, and the rest came from a dealer on ebay with good reviews. The rock looked great when I received it.
  12. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Well I was thinking that if you could illiminate the water source and containers using your quarantine tank and a different water container then maybe the rock is contamenated. You said it's new sand, so who knows, maybe the rock was contaminated by mercury...
  13. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills I'm leaning away from the heavy metals since youve run the polyfilter and are running carbon in the sytem...pluss you said that you have never been able to keep corals in 6 years? I honestly would try a controled test at this point with a different water...
  14. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB what salt are you using? I'm using Tropic Marin
  15. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 Sorry Jerry for butting in...... You guys discussed trying different water source?? Jerry has lived at 2 different houses, the first was on public water source and now on well water. Jerry what RO/DI unit are you running? I thought I saw a Kent tag...
  16. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills Hey guys, chlorine kits can be had from any local pool supply place, just FYI. Curious as to what temp is being maintained at. And possibly what oxygen levels are. Parameters all look fine. pH shouldn't be to bad judging alk and mag levels. Little low on...
  17. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB your euphyllia coral looks like the tissue recessed and i would blame that on a low alk. whenever i have had alk problems my lps are the first to show signs of tissue recession. also wondering why there is detection in ammonia, if its been cycled for a long...
  18. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by nikeSB if thats the case, then i would almost rule out chlorines and cholramines. how about testing for other heavy metals? What test kit would I need to buy for that, and where would the metals be coming from. It's been about 6 months since I've found the rust and...
  19. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    Since pictures are worth a thousand words... Full Tank Shot Sump Sticker on Sump Trash Can's for Make-Up Water Quarantine Tank with dead coral
  20. shabbajh

    AT A LOSS!!!!!!!!

    I have never been able to keep corals in this tank. I've been in this hobby for about 6 years. My previous tank was a 29 gallon in which I was able to keep coral. I am attaching a picture my new coral from yesterday after 24 hours.