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  1. warble


    I have a 20 gl, The ammonia is almost non existant nitrite is next to nill. I have two 55 watt compact lights a prism skimer canister filter for carbon a sebae scarlett shrimp the clown 2 yellow tail damsals a yellowhead goby and small clean up crew
  2. warble


    I got a new percula clown about 3 weeks ago. The thing refuses to eat anything i have tried livr brine frozen brine flake and plankton but it refusses to eat enything , i even got a sebae for it but still not eating any suggestions?
  3. warble

    little bugs?

    My live rock and glass are infested with some sort of invert, they look like super mimi beetles about the size of a needle head. Are these ok for my tank.
  4. warble

    live rock

    Im interested in buying some live rock online because my lfs is so expensive, were can i get some high quality rock for cheap,best if thier are not any hefty s&h fees.
  5. warble

    to many fish?

    I have a 20 gal. with 3 damsels a clown a yellow headed gobie and a scatlet shrimp and my water is getting pretty clowdy . Do I have to many fish,if not how many fish can i pute in. If it matters i have a prism protien skimmer and about 20 pounds of LR.
  6. warble

    to many skimmer bubbles

    I have a red sea Prism protein skimmer in my tank, it works great but it pumps to many microbubbles in my tank. The directions suggested turning down the flow but that hasnt worked.
  7. warble

    what shimp

    i want to get a pistol shrimp and a gobie because they wok together but it seems like the shrimp might be mean. is it reef friendly and will it atack my small fish?
  8. warble

    Calcium & Live Rock

    i was wondering how long you have had your mandorin because i cant see how your going to keep i well fed in a little tank that new, do you know something i dont?
  9. warble

    feeding my mandorin

    whats a fauna kit
  10. warble

    feeding my mandorin

    Every one says i need to feed my mandorin pods but i dont know how to get them , can i buy them prepared at the lfs?
  11. warble

    mandarin help

    Does aney one know what to feed a mandarin fish?
  12. warble

    cant get damsels out

    yeah i just started a new tank and i used 5 damselfish to cycle the tank but i cant get them out. I already tryed the inside out pop bottle but that doesnt work. Got any ideas?