

New Member
I got a new percula clown about 3 weeks ago. The thing refuses to eat anything i have tried livr brine frozen brine flake and plankton but it refusses to eat enything , i even got a sebae for it but still not eating any suggestions?


I wouldn't have gotten the anemone, because these norally don't do well in the home aquarium. I have had the same experience. I would consult your LFS, and find out what they fed it at the store. Familiar food might be more readily exepted. Unfortunetly, my clown died due to a certain accident, ( <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> :( ) only a week after I bought it. I would wait it out, even if he refuses to eat. Keep offering him food.. he's probably just stressed. How's your water quality?

nm reef

Active Member
As a rule they are pretty hardy fish. Sometimes they can take a while to adjust to new surroundings. Provide more info on your system...maybe it is suffering from stress.Other fish in the system that are agressive? Sometimes it takes a while to adjust....


Active Member
Sometimes Galric will stimulate their intrest in food. It is like an attractant.


definately sounds like your clown is stressed. 3 weeks is a long time for it not to eat. need more info though about your tank <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />


I think Wamp is talking about garlic soaked foods, not garlic itself. 3 weeks is a long time for a fish not to eat. Check your water parameters and talk to your lfs as mentioned above. See if they can get you another one.


please give us info on your tank setup, enviroment and water parameters.
Clowns usually eat after 1 or 2 days in their new home. Even they still shine from the new environment, they still come out and nip at food in the aquarium and run back to their territory


New Member
I have a 20 gl, The ammonia is almost non existant nitrite is next to nill. I have two 55 watt compact lights
a prism skimer
canister filter for carbon
a sebae
scarlett shrimp
the clown 2 yellow tail damsals
a yellowhead goby and small clean up crew


have you ask the lfs to feed the clown b4 you purchase it?
a good LFS will do that.
does the clown swim all over the places, or just seat in 1 corner?