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  1. quinconte

    Anchoring coral frags to my tank rocks

    Hi Folks, I just bought some coral frags for my new tank and the lady at the LFS couldn't give me an idea on how to anchor these little squares with the coral on top to me tank rocks. Also, some of my rocks are live, others not. Which one these is better better? Thanks!
  2. quinconte

    my fish scratch against rocks seldomly

    No I didn't, first timer, I'm in the second week of Hypo following the instructions of the folks in the forum. It is my display tank but I have only fish for now. I have set up my QT for the next time. Thanks!
  3. quinconte

    my fish scratch against rocks seldomly

    Hi folks, my fish scratch against rocks sometimes, some of them, some clowns, a yellow tang, I have two cardinals, they never do it. No spots on the skin, no strange behavior that I could notice. I asked about it and I was told: "well, fish always scratch" my question is, given the fact that...
  4. quinconte

    bringing in new fish

    double 48" t5 hO.
  5. quinconte

    bringing in new fish

    Thank folks! the tank is a 55 gal. fish only, although I'm thinking on adding some anemones. THANKS AGAIN!
  6. quinconte

    bringing in new fish

    Since I am new in the forum and in the hobby ( coming from fresh water) I have a question that might sound silly or maybe was previously answered. Can you bring you new fish from the store to a QT tank containing hyposalinity treatment water? Another question. Does someone have any list of fish...
  7. quinconte

    killing ich with high temperature

    no, they're in the tank. I know what I did wrong, put them in the tank straight from the store. I guess you learn as you go. THanks again!. I am attaching a picture of damsel that has been bullied by another of its kind and disappeared for awhile and found it dead yesterday. I don't know if what...
  8. quinconte

    killing ich with high temperature

    Thanks Flower, I didn't realized ich could be so persistent. I run the cooper thing and seems that everything is fine. I see a fish or two (out of 15) doing the scratching thing although, nothing like before, only a yellow tang and a small blue hipo tang are doing it, very sporadically, I...
  9. quinconte

    killing ich with high temperature

    I've been reading about killing ich by raising the temperature over 86 degrees. Any experience about this? What about fish? Tangs, damsels, cardinals... and anemones? Thanks! Quinconte