Search results

  1. varible

    OT: what is the best lap top/notebook pc

    I work in IT also. We offer our managers a choice of dell(inspiron 8200) or IBM (A30) The ones with dells seem to like them better. also the service has been much quicker (usually same day) for home users it would be next day which is still pretty damn fast. I have 5 dells personally and i like...
  2. varible

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    Hi my name is keith, I am 23 and i live in central/upstate NY with my Bf. I am a Network Administrator for a large network storage company. I just started my reef in december of last year before that i have a fo. I like scifi, computers, MTG, Law & Order, rollerblading and skiing. I travel...
  3. varible

    Hitcher Star ..... Get rid of or keep ???? Photo

    karlas, fauna kit? where do you get this? id love to have more diversity in my tank.
  4. varible

    Temperary chiller idea. Comments please.

    Hey everyone try thermoelectric devices (peltier junctions) they are cheap and efficient i made my own version of the commercially available ones ( the peltier's are available from radioshack and you just attach a regualr PC heatsink fancombo and...
  5. varible

    Whats the best way to grow copepods?

    Id like the address of the place that sells them please :)
  6. varible

    how old are you?

    i am 23 :)
  7. varible

    algea color change

    I have had my tank setup for about 4 months now and this week I noticed that the algea i have been battleing has slowly started to regrow slower but it is now a different color. It used to be green and is now a redish purple. It is still a slime algea, my hermits and snails are slowly starting...
  8. varible

    green slimy algea

    I am about 3 months into setting up my first reef aquarium. In the past 2 weeks all exposed surfaces of the bottom have become covered with a thick green slimey algea. does anyone know what i should do about this. water parameters: Amonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.3 salt 1.022 temp 77 this...