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  1. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    Now I just gotta figure out how to secure it down. I'm worried that it's going to get knocked down if I add flow or if a snail pushes it. I just dont want to kill the coral.
  2. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    new coral! i got a xenia! Not what i was going for but I like the way it looks in my tank and I cant wait for it to grow a bit.
  3. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    Going to get my first coral tomorrow! Pretty excited :) I think I'm going to get some GSP and keep it on an isolated rock there in the front left of my tank. I have heard that this stuff is hard to control so i'm going to keep is by itself. And I want to start something on the larger rock....any...
  4. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    It's growing! I added a little more rock and 2 turbo snails. The lady at the store said I can start adding very small amounts of choral here in about 2 more weeks. I'm so stoked!
  5. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    what do u guys think? time for a clean up crew? It has been cycling for 5 weeks now
  6. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    ya, that's what the lady at the store said too. she said use it to finish cycling my tank but then make sure and take it out before i add anything else because they are tough to catch. so i'll make sure he is out before i add anything else. She also said that they can become aggressive once they...
  7. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    excellent, thank you very much for that .02. I'll definitely keep that in mind. On another note! I added the first fish! Note the extra growth on the rocks. And this is not a fish i plan on having in here once the tank is completely built. Just a cheap fish to get my tank fully established.
  8. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    ok, mine has been running for 4 weeks and i have 3 different colors running. maybe i'll pick up some clean up crew today. i'm going to grab a test kit as well just to see. thanks again for all the help guys! I"ll go take an updated pic here in just a minute
  9. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    nope. I dont have any test kit. I was just waiting till stuff started growing, then i'll start testing. So now that stuff has started growing, i'm going to start testing. Probably tomorrow. Just dont want to spend the money for the tests if i can tell what is going on just by looking at the growth
  10. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    I'm stoked! I just need it to finish so i can finally start putting stuff in the tank
  11. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    haha, good to know. I think actually after doing some reading, I'm going to take my bio balls out and leave the middle section blank. Idk yet. I"m just gonna let it cycle and then decide when i can finally put something in it. I'm getting impatient! I should have taken a picture today, the brown...
  12. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    ok cool. I think i am going to put some sponge back there for stuff to grow on but i'm going to leave some of the bio balls and I need to add a light back there as well
  13. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    that is very true. thank you for making that point. I'll keep waiting. Also, what are u guys's opinions on bio balls? That's what I have in the refugium right now.
  14. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    Will do, thank you trigger! I"ll keep posting pics here.
  15. K

    12 Gallon Reef Desktop

    wow! That looks amazing! What is ur lighting u are using. It really makes that coral stand out. Absolutely beautiful
  16. K

    14 gallon biocube direction?

    I like your tank a lot. i'm actually building a 14 gallon biocube as well and want mine to look very similar to yours. I started with just live sand and added two completely dry very large rocks. I'm just waiting for them to get covered in nice growth so i can start adding the parts of the tank...
  17. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    oh ya, that makes sense. Mine is only a 14 gallon so i wont have anything real big. I think the goal of this tank will be a reef tank so I dont think I"ll have too many expensive fish. Just mainly some cool chorals and probably a couple clown fish and shrimp and crabs.
  18. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    haha, thanks trigger. I didnt realize my error until u pointed it out :) but yes, thank you very much for the comment about the status of my tank. I'm glad it looks normal. Now I just have to wait :) I want to add a couple fish here soon to kind of help it move along as well. The kids that my...
  19. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    Ya, i have my full lights on during the day. I have them on timers. So I"ll make sure and get some macro than so i can accelerate this a bit. Thank you so much! I need to get a light on my refugium on the back too.
  20. K

    It has been a while, I need tank

    can u put it in the tank while it's cycling? will that help the process?