It has been a while, I need tank

kyle sawyer

New Member
Hey guys! It has been a while for me since I have set up a new saltwater tank and I just want to show you guys a picture to make sure that things are going as they should. I am at the 3 week mark in the cycling and this is where it sits. Does it look like the right changes are happening? How much longer do u estimate it will take for me to be able to start putting fish and choral in? Thanks guys! I will be using this site a lot to get my newbie questions answered.

Thanks again!
Lincoln, Nebraska



Well-Known Member
What did you use to kick start the cycle? Is that live rock, base rock, or dry rock? Did you use dry sand, live reef sand, or bagged, bacteria loaded sand?

All those factors play a role on how fast the tank develops. The only way to know what "changes" are happening, is by the water test results.

kyle sawyer

New Member
I used dry rock and live sand. About half of that sand is live and the other half was just dry. I hope that the changes in the picture are a good thing. I'm going to let it keep going and then soon i'll buy a test kit and figure it out from there


Well-Known Member
Macro alage is helpful in alot of ways. Some people put it in the sump, main tank, refrium(sp) lol ect
. I keep mine in the tank. Although certain fish love to eat it. Ie my yellow tang and fox face lol


Well-Known Member
Can you? Yes it feeds on nitrate I believe, during the cycle thats the last stage of it. It does need light tho, so if the tank is empty u normally may not have lights on, w macro u will need to.

kyle sawyer

New Member
Ya, i have my full lights on during the day. I have them on timers. So I"ll make sure and get some macro than so i can accelerate this a bit. Thank you so much! I need to get a light on my refugium on the back too.


Well-Known Member
Does it look like the right changes are happening? How much longer do u estimate it will take for me to be able to start putting fish and choral in? Thanks guys! I will be using this site a lot to get my newbie questions answered.
first learn how to spell coral.

lol just kidding i love a good typo! your doing every thing right i think once those rocks get a bit more color on them your tank will look great. all i know about corals is that you haft to wate a long time befor you can get any.

kyle sawyer

New Member
haha, thanks trigger. I didnt realize my error until u pointed it out :) but yes, thank you very much for the comment about the status of my tank. I'm glad it looks normal. Now I just have to wait :) I want to add a couple fish here soon to kind of help it move along as well. The kids that my wife babysit are getting impatient :)


Well-Known Member
haha, thanks trigger. I didnt realize my error until u pointed it out :) but yes, thank you very much for the comment about the status of my tank. I'm glad it looks normal. Now I just have to wait :) I want to add a couple fish here soon to kind of help it move along as well. The kids that my wife babysit are getting impatient :)
well thats the worst part of the hobbie... waiting. :eek:
lol but it only takes losing a $150 angel to learn that its worth the wait!

kyle sawyer

New Member
oh ya, that makes sense. Mine is only a 14 gallon so i wont have anything real big. I think the goal of this tank will be a reef tank so I dont think I"ll have too many expensive fish. Just mainly some cool chorals and probably a couple clown fish and shrimp and crabs.


Well-Known Member
oh ya, that makes sense. Mine is only a 14 gallon so i wont have anything real big. I think the goal of this tank will be a reef tank so I dont think I"ll have too many expensive fish. Just mainly some cool chorals and probably a couple clown fish and shrimp and crabs.
lol the cost of the fish is besides the point and i think you get that lol. i think nano tanks are the coolest size tank for saltwater. they really focus on the coral and thoes corals are as beautyfull as anything gets. and a few small fish and inverts for movement is all you need. and dont forget to keep us posted!

kyle sawyer

New Member
that is very true. thank you for making that point. I'll keep waiting. Also, what are u guys's opinions on bio balls? That's what I have in the refugium right now.


Well-Known Member
First hand idk. But on this site most people say there not needed. Most reccomend sand, live rock , and some macro alage for a ref.

kyle sawyer

New Member
ok cool. I think i am going to put some sponge back there for stuff to grow on but i'm going to leave some of the bio balls and I need to add a light back there as well