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  1. santaclaws

    You know your a fishkeeper when...

    You know your a Fish Keeper when: You will not let your spouse see your visa bill When your spouse is out of town you sneak in another tank. When your hubby is with you you send him to Princess Auto because you know he will be at least an hour or so. When you tell same hubby I need to pick up...
  2. santaclaws

    HOB skimmers

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers Bwahahahahaa gotta go to bed...... it's been along day. look again Thanks need to hit the sack to . lol
  3. santaclaws

    HOB skimmers

    I think you misread my post I do not have one yet.
  4. santaclaws

    HOB skimmers

    I could use some advice on skimmers I just can not make up my mind Could anyone who has A hob one let me know the make and why you like it Thanks oh my tank will be 30 gals,
  5. santaclaws

    How do you know

    Ok thank you .
  6. santaclaws

    Pics not working

    I was not really looking for any one thing I was just researching so when I get my tank set up I would know what was good and what was bad. Thanks for the help.
  7. santaclaws

    Pics not working

    Thank you .
  8. santaclaws

    How do you know

    Do not worry when I start to set it up I will add pics. The tank was supposed to be here this week but wont be here till next week. I have to order my sand and rock still I am going to do that today. I told hubby I just want money for Christmas and a skimmer for my birthday which is 3 days...
  9. santaclaws

    Pics not working

    I was researching Hitchhikers ID but all the pics say no image available is something wrong or is there no pics. Thanks
  10. santaclaws

    How do you know

    Quote: Originally Posted by TeresaQ you can - just run one that is rated for a lrger tank, and also run some type if filter floss You will also need a couple of small powerheads for flow. T Thanks how often would you replace the carbon.
  11. santaclaws

    How do you know

    Thanks very much since its a 30 gal could I just run a hob filter with carbon in it.
  12. santaclaws

    101 Tips to Beginning and Maintaining a Saltwater Aquarium

    This is Great Thank You very much I am sure this will be a big help.
  13. santaclaws

    How do you know

    So Still doing research have noob question I understand about fish and bioload and all that but I could not find this anywhere. How do you know how many corals and such to add to a tank . Thanks Pat
  14. santaclaws


    Well I have MTS so I have 14 tanks lol My fave though is my Black Knife and my Bichirs oh and my Royal Pleco and ------
  15. santaclaws


    Hi my names Pat I do not have a tank yet( salt) I have lots of fresh water . I will be setting up my first tank a 30 gal in a couple of months. I have been doing research and came across your site. I have lots of questions so be prepared lol This will start out as live sand, live rock and fish...