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  1. anolan2

    Why is my PH unstable?

    I have a 55 gallon FOWLR tank which has been running for about 3 1/2 months. Levels are as follows: Ammonia: 0 Nitrites: 0 Nitrates: 5 Phosphate: 0 My issue is that my PH has been very unstable. The only additives I have used are Kent Purple Tech (which I assumed would raise calcium and help...
  2. anolan2


    Here are my test results, any comments or advice would be appreciated. This is for a 55 gal FOWLR tank with about 50lbs of LR. Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: 0 Phosphate: 0 KH/Alk: 8.5 dkh Calcium: 500 PH: 8.0 Temp: 77 I recently had a little bit of a phosphate problem. My water was reading...
  3. anolan2

    What improvements should I make?

    Here are the specs and details of my tank. Im finally near satisfied with my tank but would like some suggestions on how I can improve my FOWL tank or advice if i totally missed something important. 65 Gallon FOWL Tank 60 lbs of live rock Live Sand substrate Temp is 76 degrees at Night and 78...
  4. anolan2

    Cauliflower colt coral

    I just bought my first coral. It is a cauiflower colt coral. I placed in my tank after letting it float on the top for awhile and after about 8 hours it shriveled up. Is that common for this type coral when it is adapting to a new environment? or does that mean it is dying? I made sure to...
  5. anolan2

    Do i need a protein skimmer?

    I am currently running a Penguin Biowheel 350 and a Rena Filstar 3 Canister for filtration. Im also adding a few small pieces of live rock to the tank along with the "non live" rock present. This setup is for 55 gallon tank and what will be a fish only tank. My question is how important is...
  6. anolan2

    What aggressive fish can i put in a 55 gal tank

    I just started a 55 gallon tank. Only have damsels so far, but looking to add more in a few weeks. What combination of aggresive fish would work well in a 55 galon tank?
  7. anolan2

    Brand New Aquarium... Am i doing something wrong?

    I just started my saltwater tank. Its a 55 gallon tank. I would like it to be a fish only tank with aggressive fish, most likely the smaller breeds of triggers, puffers, maybe wrasse, hawkfish. I may add live rock at some point. This is what Ive done so far: Day 1 I put in live sand (which...