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  1. mersam935

    Midas Blenny Compatibility?

    So i have a 30 gallon biocube with 2 clownfish and 1 royal gramma in it. I also have a torch coral. I was thinking of adding a midas blenny to the tank but I'm not sure if the royal gramma would become too territorial and attack the midas blenny. Any advice would be great! Thanks!
  2. mersam935


    So you recommend next time buying a fish online?
  3. mersam935


    :( The gramma didn't come out the whole day though!! I just don't get it :(
  4. mersam935


    Ive been discussing what fish to get for my 30 g biocube. Ive had 2 clownfish for 2 years and many fish have come and gone but they have stayed solid and healthy. Yesterday, I got a midas blenny from a very good fish store and then ( Don't judge me) a Royal gramma from *****. I wanted to add...
  5. mersam935

    Need help!

    Im also thinking maybe I want a Midas blenny with a mandarin dragonet?
  6. mersam935

    Need help!

    Ok so WITH the two clownfish do you recommend I get a royal gramma and then maybe one other smaller fish?
  7. mersam935

    Need help!

    with the two clownfish flower?
  8. mersam935

    Need help!

    I'm thinking on getting a royal gramma and then to top it off a dwarf angelfish? maybe a flame angel? thoughts?
  9. mersam935

    Need help!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower A dwarf angelfish...they add eye popping color and are very active swimmers. They like to go in and out of the rock work nipping algae and sea bugs off as they go. The only drawback is that you can have only one. They may nip at LPS corals (some will and...
  10. mersam935

    Stocking a 29 gallon biocube???

    You could get two occelaris clownfish, they are very hardy and colorful and don't hide (at least not in my tank)
  11. mersam935

    Need help!

    Hey everyone, I have a 29g biocube and have had it for about 2 years so its very established. Ive had many fish but over time many have not worked out or died. I currently now have 2 clownfish and have had them from the beginning, snails and hermit crabs as well as many Asterinea Starfish that...
  12. mersam935

    What fish can I add?

    and also what corals do you suggest i get?
  13. mersam935

    What fish can I add?

    idk i was thinking maybe two firefish gobies?
  14. mersam935

    What fish can I add?

    I have a 29 g biocube. I have a green madaren dragonet, 2 ocellaris clownfish, and hermit crabs and snails. I actually recently had a midas blenny and woke up today and he is missing. I checked all the rocks even moved them around and am certain he died. I have no idea why though. So I'm...
  15. mersam935

    What fish should I add?

    ok thanks
  16. mersam935

    White bug on fin of Mandarin dragonet?

    Still haven't seen any.. none on fish.
  17. mersam935

    White bug on fin of Mandarin dragonet?

    i am positive it was an isopod. But I just don't know what I can do now. i have a 10 gallon tank but will all those fish be ok for a few months?
  18. mersam935

    White bug on fin of Mandarin dragonet?

    Ok well today there was bug on any of the fish... what does that mean? and do they just keep sucking blood and then leave the fish? because my mandarin is perfectly fine now..
  19. mersam935

    White bug on fin of Mandarin dragonet?

    O god... I just looked up what they are. Im so screwed. is there any way at all to kill them? Can you kill them any other way other than taking all the fish out and starving them? and if so how long do they need to be out for? Please some one help, they reproduce quickly and i feel like all my...
  20. mersam935

    White bug on fin of Mandarin dragonet?

    O MY GOSH! thats exactly what is was!!!!! what can I do?