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  1. micahj26

    RO DI System advice please?

    Looking into a RO DI system. I have a fish and coral tank 55G with a 20G sump and a reef octopus. Any advice before I start my search would be very helpful. Thanks! Micah
  2. micahj26

    Protein skimmer and corals

    That's a lot to consider and think about thank you. I will have to start testing for some of those things. All I can tell you at this point is that I had mushroom polyps, mushrooms, richordea, Kenya tree, and green star polyps. Forgive me if any of these names are wrong. I had most if not all...
  3. micahj26

    Protein skimmer and corals

    I was recently reading that protein skimmers will remove essential nutrients for corals. #1 is that factual information #2 what should I be doing/adding to supplement. I did have a massive coral die out around the same time I put in the skimmer but didn't put 2 and 2 together at the time...
  4. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    Lol, i'm starting to believe you as many people are agreeing with you! :) I'll let you know :)
  5. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    I'll keep ya posted!
  6. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    As you can see it is a "dead" rock I just inserted about 1 month ago, you can see the damsel, she won't let anyone near it. The rock is very pourous and they are in the holes
  7. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    White/clear with a dark dot, getting better looks at them, definently fish
  8. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    Constant, not every now and then, non stop
  9. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    I've had the tank 3 years, never noticed them before, I've seen the shrimp in my foam filters, these look more like fish fry, they swim like fish not like shrimp, up down in out, very fast
  10. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    Hundreds and hundreds, tiny!
  11. micahj26

    Baby Fish! Which is more likely??

    I just noticed tiny fish swimming in and out of my live rock!! How exciting!! Here is my question, I have only two species of fish that I have more than one of, Blue damsels and clownfish(which have only been in the tank a month). Which is more likely to be the proud parents?? Thanks!! Micah
  12. micahj26

    Starfish/coral help

    Hello, I recently purchased some frogspawn. 2 of the 3 heads/pieces i put in have completely disappeared leaving only the "skeleton" I was just looking at the one remaining and one of the little "hitchhiker" stars abut the size of a dime now, is dangerously close to it and getting closer...
  13. micahj26

    Simple question Protein skimmer

    OK! I recieved my Reef Octopus 6 today and set it up and have it running. My questions are these. 1. The instructions say to have the water level below the output tube. Unless I raise the skimmer up about 2 inches by setting it on something the water level is about halfway up the output pipe...
  14. micahj26

    Protein skimmer- Coralife 65 or ASM mini G?

    Your are correct flower, thanks! and Thanks!! to everyone else who has commented, you have all been so helpful!
  15. micahj26

    Friend or Foe??? Help

  16. micahj26

    First protien skimmer help

    or, if you happen to know any sump designs for a tempered glass aquarium, can't drill an overflow hole and am a little leary of the overflow boxes. Any thoughts on either?
  17. micahj26

    First protien skimmer help

    no sump, looking for a hang on back preferrably