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  1. joebuckmaster

    Star Wars 3: revenge of the sith

    Just got back from seeing it. loved it.
  2. joebuckmaster

    Clownfish husbandry

    Bill B. I posted some pics on another thread ypu replied to. but just in case here they are.
  3. joebuckmaster

    WTB calupera

    I usually throw out 1-3 gallons of calupra a month any one interested e-mail me.
  4. joebuckmaster

    New Clowns

    Just thought you guys would like to see some pics of my baby clowns. They range from 70 days to 30 days old I also have a batch that are 20 days old and a batch that will hatch in 6 days..
  5. joebuckmaster

    Clownfish husbandry

    I have been doing it for about 4 months now. I have a bath of percs. that are about 70 days old they have a second stripe and are starting to get the third stripe by their tail. Then i have batches that are twelve days younger all the way down to just hatched. Read and read and read learn all...
  6. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    I am about 35-40 miles east of St.louis. I will sell when they all get big enough. I have about 3 that will be ready in about 2 months and then I will have some every 2 weeks after that I have a lot of babies in my basement that keep getting bigger and bigger everyday. Also mom and dad just keep...
  7. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    They lay eggs every 12 days and hatch 8 days after that like clock work. I have some that are going to hatch tommorrow night.
  8. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Try some pics I have been away from computer for awhile.
  9. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Just hatching them. Everything seems to be going ok. But since I moved the babies into a filtered tank I am missing about 8 of them. Live and learn I guess. I have read different ideas on the brine shrimp and also when the should be moved into a different tank. It is kind of neat you can tell...
  10. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    After they hatch from main tank they get harvested and put in my basement. I have many smaller tanks down there between 5 and 20 gal. set up for the fry. I also have a set up for microalgae, and rotifer cultures. With 2 liter bottles and 5 gal tanks. my basement looks like a bad science project...
  11. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Not really a "breeding" tank. Just my main reef tank which is a 75 gallon with 20 gallon sump, 440 watts vho lots of live rock and sand. some shrooms and leathers, and a few other fish. My clowns started spawning I did lots and lots of reading I mean LOTS. Then dcided to try and raise them. The...
  12. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Yes every 2 weeks..
  13. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    And another!
  14. joebuckmaster

    Baby Clowns Day 20 - NEW PICS

    Just thought I'd update you all on my babies. These pics are much better than the last orange blobs. Day 20, they have their stripes...some are starting to get their black. They are looking good!
  15. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

    I just let nature take its course, they spawn pretty regular, right next to the anemone. I have another batch of about 40 that are 7 days old, my first batch only about 25-30 left are now 20 days old eating well and have been moved to a filtered tank from a 10 to a 20 with some algae in it and...
  16. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

    And the parents!
  17. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

  18. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

    OK, I'm attaching pictures. The babies are still not real big yet so they are kind of blurry. I will post more as soon as I can come up with some better ones. I'm also posting pictures of the parents.:happy:
  19. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

    Percula clowns. they do have an anemone-sebae, I did by them together but they were in separate tanks. Had them and anemone for about 3 years, and they have been spawning for about 1 year I believe. I just now started trying to raise them. Also my new batch of babies are going on day 4 and...
  20. joebuckmaster

    baby clowns day 5

    day 14, they are starting to turn orange,also last night my second batch hatched, got almost 100 no deaths yet. As for my firs batch, some are also starting to get the white stripe up by their head. This is pretty cool my wife thinks i am about to go crazy all I do is take care of my fish. My...