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  1. hmg

    Need advice for adding a new fish!

    We forgot to add that we were looking at an arch eye hawkfish. Would that be okay? We definetly would like something hardy and maybe some color?
  2. hmg

    Anemone Problems?

    We feed our anemones krill
  3. hmg

    Need advice for adding a new fish!

    We currently have 45 gallon tank with a whisper filter, a magnum hot, and a biowhell/filter combo and two powerheads.We have a 3" niger trigger, a 4' dogface puffer,and a hairy leg crab . We've had the tank set up for about 7 months and would like to add another fish. We had a snowflake eel at...
  4. hmg


    Since Yesterday someone we know took in our undulated, the bursa and the other puffer, so we only have a 2-3" Niger , a 3" dogface and a 3" Wrasse. We realized we were over populated so hopefully that will help. We weren't planning on upgrading to a larger tank for another year or so.Our tank is...
  5. hmg


    We have a 45 gal fish only tank with a dogface puffer, some other type of puffer, a Niger Trigger, a bursa trigger, and a udulated Trigger (the triggers are small so they get along ok for now). Two months ago or so we noticed what looked to be ick on our other puffer. We treated the tank with...
  6. hmg

    Homemade Coral Sculpture..Is it possible?

    Does anyone know how or if it is possible to sculpt artificial coral-like sculptures? I've seen the artificial corals sold in local aquarium stores and they are so expensive. I'd like to make my own somehow?! Not sure what would be safe for use. There is a sculpting compound called Fimo, it is...