Need advice for adding a new fish!


New Member
We currently have 45 gallon tank with a whisper filter, a magnum hot, and a biowhell/filter combo and two powerheads.We have a 3" niger trigger, a 4' dogface puffer,and a hairy leg crab . We've had the tank set up for about 7 months and would like to add another fish. We had a snowflake eel at one time but it always got out of the tank and the last time it died.Does anyone have suggestions on what type of fish we could add in price range of $20-$30. Thanks.


New Member
We forgot to add that we were looking at an arch eye hawkfish. Would that be okay? We definetly would like something hardy and maybe some color?


With the puffer and the trigger in a 45 gallon tank, I'd say you are done. The biolode is too high already and as the fish grow your tank is gonna have problems. Puffers and triggers a huge waste producers. I'd recommend a 120 gallon or bigger tank if you want both and other fish too.
Since you have the 45 I'd recommend very consistent water changes. Say 15-20% every 14 days. Regular changes because if you skip or get lazy, you may get problems.


I don't know if your doing this or not, but I would QT the new fish that you get. If you don't QT em, your askin for trouble. :D