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  1. hickey

    help, anenome

    Why is my anenome shrivelled up i have had it for 2 weeks know and it looked good, now it is shriveled up for the last 2 days and nights and looks dead.
  2. hickey

    feeding tips for butterfly

    thank you and i will try some of these options.
  3. hickey

    feeding tips for butterfly

    I have a pearl scale butterfly and i just got him a couple of days ago. He goes to food like he is going to eat it but the doesnt and he is not eating a couple of times he eats a small piece and spits it out. I currenly feed him flake and brine shrimp plus, any tips?
  4. hickey

    coral beauty and pearl scale butterfly

    I just got a pearl scale butterfly to go with my maroon clown and my coral beauty. it looks like the coral beauty is trying to peck at him. i have had other fish die on me in the past, and i think that my coral beauty is attacking them should i bring back the coral beauty of the pearl scale...
  5. hickey

    my clown

    that makes perfect sense thank you.
  6. hickey

    my clown

    I have a 29 gallon with 1 maroon clown, 2 hermits, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emeral crab, 1 sally light foot crab and a coral beauty dwarf angel. My maroon clown goes into the same area of the tank and pushes sand away and grabs some with his mouth and spits it out. I tried to rearange the rocks so he...
  7. hickey


    Putting an anemone in a fish only tank that has 1 marron clown 1 coral beauty 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 emerald crab 1 hermit crab and 1 sally lightfoot crab. ZCould i do it in my 29 gallon with live sand and live rock?
  8. hickey


    it is a 29 gallon, 1 month 2 weeks old, coral beauty has been in the tank for 3 weeks, maroon clown in the tank for 3 weeks, both doing good. the six line wrass has been in the tank for 1 week 3 days and i have a yellow headed gobie in the tank for 3 days.
  9. hickey


    MY sixline wrass is lying in the tank and i stuck the net in the tank to see if he was ok and he is swimming vertically side by side. What can i do to help him!!!!
  10. hickey

    yellow headed gobie

    My yellow headed gobie that i got today is hiding uder a rock and he has been there for hours now. I had a dottyback that lasted for 5 days and it never came out of the rock, he ended up dieing. Is me gobie going to die like the dottyback or will he come out. I currenty have in the 29 g tank 1...
  11. hickey

    water change

    should i move my rocks and dead coral when makeing a water change?
  12. hickey


    my tank has already cycled and i had 3 dimo damsels in it during cycleing. When doing a water change should i remove the fish into a container with tank water?
  13. hickey


    Im getting a nitrite reading of 1.8 and i have had my 29 g tank for 1 mojnth and 2 weeks know. I currently have 1 coral beauty, clown, and 6 line wrass. How can i lower my nitre, is it too early for a partical water change?
  14. hickey

    protien skimmer

    how much do protien skimmers run?
  15. hickey

    protien skimmer

    I currently started a 29g fish only tank it has been running know for 1 month 2 weeks and i have a coral beauty, clown (maroon),6 line wrass and royal gramma. Should I add a protien skimmer?
  16. hickey

    add a racoon butterfly to my 29

    i have a 29 g fish only tank and i already have 1 marroon clown, 1 6 line wrass, 1 royal gramma, and 1 coral beauty angle , ahould i add a racoon butterfly. with they get along?
  17. hickey


    I just perchased a dottyback at my nearest pet shop that is very informative and i added him to my 29 gallon with my coral beauty, maroon clown and bi colored angel. my dottyback hid in the live rock caves and didnt come out intill this morning i found him dead. im think that he died because he...
  18. hickey

    my coral beauty is getting chased by my bi color angel

    i have had a coral beauty for 1 month now and my nearest pet shop said that it would be ok to add a bi colored angel. my bi colored angel chases the coral beauty around the tank should i bring him back of keep him .