

New Member
Im getting a nitrite reading of 1.8 and i have had my 29 g tank for 1 mojnth and 2 weeks know. I currently have 1 coral beauty, clown, and 6 line wrass. How can i lower my nitre, is it too early for a partical water change?


coral beautys are pretty delicate fish, i would do a 25-30% water change, btw if your tank is that young are these the fish your choosing to cycle it with?


New Member
my tank has already cycled and i had 3 dimo damsels in it during cycleing. When doing a water change should i remove the fish into a container with tank water?


It sounds like the fish you added are bigger than the fish you cycled with and you are experiencing a spike. If you do a water change, do at least 50%. The down side to a water change is that it will slow down the remaining cycle time. I would suggest taking out the coral beauty and letting the tank cycle. You need to check the nitrite daily and if it continues to go up, then you will need to do a water change or it will kill the fish.


Jakepilot, please email me with the name and location of your store. I live in albany, Ga and go to Atlanta frequently. I would love to support you in your new endeavor. Good Luck!


The store is in a little town called Rex GA...about 25 SE of Atlanta... We are in the process of cycling the systems in the store, pretty large going to put a post up when we have the grand opening, i think im going to have to push it back 2 weeks bc of a few glitches with the closing 3 weeks ago, it took a bit longer than we expected...-jake

richard rendos

Active Member
When you say the tank is already cycled, how do you know? Did you do tests for nitrites/nitrates or just go by length of time the tank has been up? I have seen tanks take much longer than 6 weeks to cycle. It is common for this to happen in 6 weeks or less but not a rule. To me it sounds like you didn't finish cycling.
Also, there is no reason to take the fish out of the tank to do a water change. How much water are you planning on changing? I wouldn't do a water change right now. I would wait for cycle to finish. If you do a water change now, it will prolong the time it takes to cycle.