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  1. newsalt

    yellowmargin eel dead

    Can someone tell me what might have happened? I just got this guy yesterday. My LFS is great, always has the best fish. He started convulsing and biting himself. About midway down his body a little white thing was sticking out. I thought it might be a bristle worm. When I grabbed the white thing...
  2. newsalt

    yellowmargin eel died :dead:

    Can someone tell me what might have happened? I just got this guy yesterday. My LFS is great, always has the best fish. He started convulsing and biting himself. About midway down his body a little white thing was sticking out. I thought it might be a bristle worm. When I grabbed the white...
  3. newsalt

    Please Please help with lionfish

    Well, He wouldnt eat for the first 10 days so I broke down and got fed him some rosies. First day I fed him then I waited a day and fed him the day after. Trojan thanks for the help. Best bet is to wait maybe 4 days and try and feed again?
  4. newsalt

    Please Please help with lionfish

    My lionfish just started eating about three days ago. His belly is huge and wont go down. I mean HUGE. Is this normal? He's about 2 inches big (tiny little guy) and he looks like he swallowed a marble.
  5. newsalt

    Cone shell

    Does anyone know were to get a cone shell (live). I understand all of the requirements and dangers involved.
  6. newsalt

    Krill question

    This is a true newbie question. How do i get my new Lionfish to eat the cubed krill. its day three withour eating.
  7. newsalt

    Freshwater feeder

    Yep just got him. tiny little violitan. he's active but wont eat. only day 2. keep your fingers crossed.
  8. newsalt

    Freshwater feeder

    Can someone please explain the downfalls of feeding with FW feeder fish.
  9. newsalt

    Zoecon for rosies

    Has any one raised feeder fish in zoecon (adds fatty acids to food)and zoe. This may be a good option for feeding fish that have a meaty hunters instinct.
  10. newsalt

    Lion fish feeding question

    I just got my first lionfish. The LFS told me to feed him freshwater rosies. I've read a lot of post here that say to stay away from freshwater feeders for one reson or another. So my question is how do I get them to take non-live food?
  11. newsalt

    Got my first ever fish!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks alot guys! I feel at ease to know that I dont have to do this by trial and error. I wasnt aware that I should turn the lights off. I left him in the bag floating in the water for about an hour adding a cup of tank water every 15 minutes. He seems to be adjusting okay now
  12. newsalt

    Got my first ever fish!!!!!!!!!!

    Just got my first ever fish!! WOOOO! Lawnmower Bleenie. Hes breathing real heavy thru his gills. Do all fish do this when they first arrive at the tank. He's been there about 3 hours.
  13. newsalt

    Worm, maybe, legs?

    He move but only, his head mostly. Pretty active guy. He wont move more than an inch or two from his place on the glass. The worm that is. The little round thing with the neck does not move. There both white.
  14. newsalt

    Worm, maybe, legs?

    I just noticed a ?worm? in my tank today. Apperently hes been there a while because hes about a inch long. I say worm, but he appears to have tiny legs. Will he hurt the fish. Also, I also noticed a rather odd little creature yesterday. Hes about a millimeter big (tiny little bugger) with...
  15. newsalt

    Hairy Algae

    ohh by the way im color blind sooo ill tell you what colors i think they are white, brown, and i found a clump that looks red (to me)
  16. newsalt

    Hairy Algae

    NSS, Im not really sure how to explain it, but here goes. Its as thin as a human hair. Its everywhere. A few of them branch out. Their about third the length of a penny (sorry only thing I could think of). imagine a women who doesn't shve her legs for a couple days, kinda like that, only in...
  17. newsalt

    Hairy Algae

    I just set up my 75 Gallon tank alittle over a week ago. Its got 110 pounds of lr. For the past couple days i've noticed what looks like hair growing all over the rocks. Not like peach fuzz, more like hair. Their about 1/4 inch long. Any ideas, My lfs just blows me off saying something like...
  18. newsalt

    Boxfish, good idea?

    I was told that box fishes secrete poison in the transport bag due to the stress. This poison can harm the other fish. This is why I ask about the acclimation process
  19. newsalt

    Boxfish, good idea?

    I was thinking of introducing a stripped burrfish into my tank. I've heard that boxfish emit a posion when their stressed. Should I get one? If I do get one, how do I acclimate them into the tank without using the bag water from the LFS? Lee
  20. newsalt

    What is a cycle?

    Is a "Cycle" the amount of time between a water change.