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  1. cre

    Six line Wrase

    Hello everyone... I have recently purchased a 6 line wrase. He has been in my tank for about 1.5 weeks. For some reason he is swimming on his side and upside down a lot. He doesn't seem to use his tail or back to swim. Funny thing is he has been doing this for about 4 days and he still eats...
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    Coralline Algae

    I was wondering if Coralline Algae will grow using standard floresent lights? I have a 72 gallon bow front with 80 watts of light.
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    Carpet Anemone

    Has anyone had a carpet Anemone with standard floresent lights? I have two 48" in a 72 gallon bow tank.
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    Fish Fight

    I recently had a angel and a damsel get into a bad fight. The Damsel has about 4 spots where it looks like some scales will fall off and he is missing part of his tail. Will things like this heal?
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    Centipede looking thing

    I was recently moving some live rock in my tank and I noticed a Centipede looking thing that came off the rock! Does anyone know what this is? Also I have been hearing about Bristle worms. What are they and what do they look like.. Thanks
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    Well I understand that I need to up my level buy I can not add the salt directly to my tank. If I have a 72 gallon tank running at .020 how much of a water change do i need to do and at what salinity do I mix my new water to get it to .024?
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    I currently have a tank this seem to be running great. It has completly cycled and all my fish are alive. My Salinity is currenlty at .020. I want to buy some fish from swf and they say I need my salinity to be .023 ot .026. What do you recommend doing to raise my levels? Any help would be...
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    I was wondering what 1 chocolate chip star could do to a 72 gallon reef tank? Will it harm live rock?
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    My First Anenome

    I just bought a Rock Anenome last night and I have no idea what to feed it! Can someone please help? Thanks
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    Power Heads

    Is it possible to have to much movement in your tank? I have two power heads that are are rated for 30 gallon tanks. My tanks is a 72 gallon. Both power heads are in the right corner of the tank pointed along the back wall towards the filter intake...
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    Fish not eating

    I am a new salt water tank owner. I have 2 clown fish and three damsels in a 72 gallon tank that has 40 lbs of live rock.. The tank has been up for about 3 weeks. My fish seem to hide a lot and don't seem to eat.. I have only had them for 3 days now.. Is it normal to do this? The reason I...
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    Brown Algee

    My tank is almost a month old.. Currently I have 12 blue leg crabs and 3 damsels... The algee is growing on my live rock and my curhsed coral.. It is not yet on the glass but if I don't take care of the problem soon it will be.. What will eat brown algee?
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    Brown Algee

    I have a 72 Gallon Salt water tank that I just set up... I am noticing a lot of Brown Algee... Does anyone know how to correct this problem. Will star fish help?