Brown Algee


New Member
I have a 72 Gallon Salt water tank that I just set up... I am noticing a lot of Brown Algee... Does anyone know how to correct this problem. Will star fish help?


Active Member
How long has your tank been set up? It is probably just diatoms that will go away shortly. If your tank is done cycling then you could get a good clean up crew to clean it all up for you.


you say you just set up the tank? then its not done cycling and it may be diatoms. if the tank is a month old then a cleanup crew from here would help you clean it up


New Member
My tank is almost a month old.. Currently I have 12 blue leg crabs and 3 damsels... The algee is growing on my live rock and my curhsed coral.. It is not yet on the glass but if I don't take care of the problem soon it will be.. What will eat brown algee?


Active Member
Get some trochus snails from this sight or some turbos from your LFS. I think the trochus are better.


Active Member
While adding more clean up crew may help, what you're describing will go away on it's own. It's just part of the new tank process. Remember, even clean up crew have to have something to eat so I'd go slower rather than faster.
Good Luck!
By the way, is your 72 a bowfront? Do you like it?