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  1. adam4481

    time for a tank

    Well I've had a very long break from life of a new graduate... I finally have my house and ordered a 100 gallon aquarium from the local pet store. The lighting is where I am confused now. I intend to go with LED lighting which wasnt really around much when i use to...
  2. adam4481

    back to it!

    well its been years since ive had an got interupted with this thing called college, work...and now im finally buying my first house about to move in and cant wait to get an aquarium up and running :D so im thinking about a 50ish gallon corner tank. im not going to do corals...
  3. adam4481

    5 gallon FO

    thanx....yeah i might get them a 10 gallon instead of 5.....i just rarely ever see a 10 gallon is small considering im use to a my 75 which i still think is small..haha...guess it just goes with the hobby(always wanting bigger and better and closer to the real girlfriend...
  4. adam4481

    5 gallon FO

    has been a long time since i been on this message board...i am looking at setting up a small tank so my nephews can enjoy there own aquarium instead of always bothering mine...was thinking of a 5 gallon hexagon wiht 1 or 2 green chromis and a cleaner shrimp and maybe a small hermit....just...
  5. adam4481


    i just wanna know where you from man..dunno if you the ryan miller i know or not..
  6. adam4481

    what type of salt does everyone use

    IO or coral life.....depends on what the LFS has in stock at the time i go to buy
  7. adam4481

    are flouders hardy

    dont know if they are hardy but do know they taste very well...eating one right now that dad caught today....yum yum :D
  8. adam4481

    My new 2000 gallon toy....

    Coralbeach.....what part of mississipi are you from?? im from biloxi.
  9. adam4481

    New Camera/New Pics

    WOW!!!!! That is the reaction to the tank and reaction towards the quality of the pictures. What camera do you use??? Again...WOW for the tank and the quality of the pictures.
  10. adam4481

    ot ups

    I don't have a clue as to what yall are talking about. All the UPS man does here is bang on the door and put the package by the door and then leaves. Then by the time you get to the door hes already back in his big brown van or wahtever them things are and is down the road. Dont care if your...
  11. adam4481

    OT: Coke vs.Pepsi

    just like they were saying it is in texas where everythingis coke is just like it is here in mississippi too...everything is coke. and my opinion COKE RULES more, i got stock!!!
  12. adam4481

    Black sand or White sand ???

    i use black sand......i think it looks so much better than the white sand i have in my other tank.. and it doesnt affect anything. i dont use it in a reef though, i use it in my FO tank...but i still dont think it would matter.
  13. adam4481

    tahiti moon sand

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
  14. adam4481

    Tahitian moon sand

    I use the sand in my tank. The only thing other than how nice looking it is that i can say is to clean clean clean it before you put it in your tank. It thought i had it cleand all the way set up my tank and it just stayed cloudy too long so i redrained and through the process again. Went...
  15. adam4481

    Live sand vs gravel?

    In my girlfriends tank she chose to go against my advice and use gravel. There is no problem with it, is just that you do need to clean it with the little vaccum thing so it doesnt become a nitrate factory...that is my understanding...and i don't think the hermits or shrimp like it. In my tank...
  16. adam4481

    How do i make my sand bed deeper?

    Thanks yall. I will try both ways, they both sound like they will work great.
  17. adam4481

    How do i make my sand bed deeper?

    Rignt now in my FO tank i have a sand bed that is 1.5-2 inches and i want to increase that up to 4 inches. Can i do this withough having to start over? and if so then how do i go about adding the sand?
  18. adam4481

    How do you clean a sand bed?

    the black sand does not affect ph or any other things. the only additive i put in my aquarium is ph buffer and every now and then i might put Kent Essential Elements.
  19. adam4481

    How do you clean a sand bed?

    yeah i wanted black sand just for something different and it has turned out to really be the best decision ive made i think because the contrast that it brings out is so i dont have pics of my tank but can get the sand at <a...
  20. adam4481

    How do you clean a sand bed?

    do any of yall use black sand?? i got a 30 gallon FO with white sand and then my 55 FO with black tahiti moon sand and the black sand makes my inverts and fish look so much better in my opinion.