Search results

  1. jhflemm

    sand satisfaction?

    I'm thinking about buying some sand from the provider of this message board and just wanted to hear about the quality of the sand from people who have purchased sand from Unfortunately, the description of the sand isn't very good. Does anybody know where they get it from? Thanks for...
  2. jhflemm

    True vs. False Mating

    I'm looking into getting a pair of clowns. My main goal is to breed them. Is it possible to breed a True Percula and a False Percula. Thanks for any help. Jeb
  3. jhflemm

    any good DIY wet/dry plans out there?

    Does anybody know of a good link to a DIY wet/dry system? I pretty much have designed my own system, but I want to comapre it to others. Thanks in advance.
  4. jhflemm

    Poll: how long have you had your anemone?

    How long have you had your anemone and what kind is it?
  5. jhflemm

    how do you use live sand

    Thanks for the input
  6. jhflemm

    how do you use live sand

    Straight? mix it with another sand? Favorite brands? Brands that work? what is aragonite? so many questions, so little knowledge. thanks for any help
  7. jhflemm

    Newbe--best filtration for 50 gal?

    Starting my first tank--50 gal. What is the best filtration system for a fish/limited invert tank. Will use LS and LR. thanks for any help