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  1. michi yen


    Oops.. I just learned some new wording.. yes.. I do have 12 pounds of live rock and rnough of live sand in there.
  2. michi yen


    I am sorry,,, but what is LS/LR???...
  3. michi yen


    By the way, I was told to clean this 10 gallon tank twice a month when I purchased it. But my tank is stacking up algeas so fast that I think I need to clean it once every week. What do you guys think??.... I really want to upgrade to a bigger tank but I want to make sure I am capable before...
  4. michi yen


    Hi,,, I have a power head that was built with system and I can see the water flowing too. I am using the reef solution once a week and also I feed it fish chunks about twice a week. I also buy water from fish store when I do water change. It only gets clear and bright when I feed it the fish...
  5. michi yen


    Hi, I have a 8 gallon tank that was put together 7 months ago. There is a pair of clown and several emerald crabs and shrimps. The question is that I have proper lighting but my anemone is just not looking well. I am not sure about the name for this anemone but it's the typical one that clowns...
  6. michi yen

    Emerald Crab

    Hi, Thank you people for answering my ??s. I have two crabs now that are fairly small and has hair all over. my tank is only 8 gallon. I hope it's not harmful.
  7. michi yen

    Emerald Crab

    Hi, I am a beginner to salt water tank and I need some advice for keeping emerald crab in a small 8 gallon tank. It seems kind of overly aggressive in a tank this size. Thank you.