
michi yen

New Member
Hi, I have a 8 gallon tank that was put together 7 months ago. There is a pair of clown and several emerald crabs and shrimps. The question is that I have proper lighting but my anemone is just not looking well. I am not sure about the name for this anemone but it's the typical one that clowns like to hang around with. But apparently, my clowns just never play with it!!.. Please advise.


I know that you mentioned that you have a small tank, Do you have a power head on it?? Or any way to propel the water??..I know that Anenomes like a certain amount of current..
And are you feeding it??
~Susie ;)

michi yen

New Member
Hi,,, I have a power head that was built with system and I can see the water flowing too. I am using the reef solution once a week and also I feed it fish chunks about twice a week. I also buy water from fish store when I do water change. It only gets clear and bright when I feed it the fish chunks. So Weird. Thanks.

michi yen

New Member
By the way, I was told to clean this 10 gallon tank twice a month when I purchased it. But my tank is stacking up algeas so fast that I think I need to clean it once every week. What do you guys think??.... I really want to upgrade to a bigger tank but I want to make sure I am capable before I do it.... thanks


What are your test results as far as your water paremeters go??
Maybe your trates ar way high??
And do you have LS/LR???
~Susie ;)

michi yen

New Member
Oops.. I just learned some new wording.. yes.. I do have 12 pounds of live rock and rnough of live sand in there.