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  1. grayne

    Has my Coral Beauty gone insane?

    The reflection idea is a very good one. In fact I have noticed that when I turn a light on that is near the aquarium it seems to cause the Coral Beauty to really go nuts (possibly from reflection???). Is this fish that agressive towards its own kind that it would be that interested in a reflection?
  2. grayne

    Has my Coral Beauty gone insane?

    Thats what I wonder about. It seemed content enough, but now it seems like it just wants to get out of the tank. The rest of the fish leave it well enough alone (it is twice as big as the next smaller fish). I am just concerned that there is something seriously wrong with it. It doesn't seem...
  3. grayne

    Has my Coral Beauty gone insane?

    Hello all. Over the last few days my Coral Beauty has been acting very strange (I'm beginning to worry). It goes crazy when it sees people. It used to casually swim to the glass to beg for food, but now it acts like it is on crack or something. It spends all day following me and trying to swim...
  4. grayne

    scooter blenny

    I agree with the statements above that the Scooter Blenny is almost impossible to kill as long as it is eating. I got mine about a year ago and she is doing fine, but about the only thing other than pods she will eat is brine shrimp (either fresh or frozen, but not sinking pellets or flakes). As...
  5. grayne

    $3k Pair of Clownfish at my LFS!

    That is quite disturbing that someone would try to unload clownfish at 3 grand. If thats the case I have a mated pair of false percs - if anyone has 2000 dollars to send me they're yours. I have seen these "black and white" clown for sale online before and they are not too expensive. Wouldn't it...
  6. grayne

    Automatic Fish Feeder HELP!

    I have a rainbow lifeguard automatic feeder that I use from time to time and I am very happy at its simplicity and reliability. It is very sturdy built and fairly affordable (around 35 bucks online).
  7. grayne

    false percs camping out

    When my pair of clowns were young and setting up the sexual dominance the one who eventually became the male would get harrassed by the female for a while then he would run into a corner and hide for a hour or so and then go back for more. He would just go lay on the sand until he got enough...
  8. grayne

    Lawnmower blenny---your experience?

    Thats kinda funny what Ryebread said about the lawnmower sitting on corals. My scooter blenny spends a lot of time sitting on top of a big red mushroom I have. Sometimes it is really funny when one of the clown fish is sleeping on the mushroom and the scooter will snuggle up right beside it and...
  9. grayne

    "normal" puffer behavior

    A local LFS had a dalmation puffer as well. I don't have a picture but it looked like your typical dog faced that had black and white spots (looked more like one of those black and white cows to me). Very nice looking fish.
  10. grayne

    hermit shells.. where do you keep em ?

    I just scatter an assortment of sizes around the tank as decoration and let the crabs find them themselves.
  11. grayne

    Condylactis anemone question

    When I first got my condi (which died unexpectedly after 9 mos.) it took a few days finding a place it liked. One possible answer to why it does not want to be close is that your light is stronger than what it was acclimated to before. I have read that many corals and the such have to be slowly...
  12. grayne

    Possible Pistol Shrimp?

    Over the last few weeks I have been hearing popping noises coming from my tank. I was worried there was a mantis shrimp hiding somewhere so I have been keeping my eyes open for it. Last night I was looking around the LR witha flashlight when I saw a small white crab-like arm reaching out of a...
  13. grayne

    Mated pair of clowns breaking up

    My clowns actually sleep that way at night. They have taken a huge colony of frilly mushrooms as their home and they sleep on them like they were a bed. I don't think this a sign of there being anything wrong. I would give them a little more time, as the female gets larger and larger the one who...
  14. grayne

    Valentini Puffer and Inverts

    My concern is I would like to have something to keep the substrate cleaned up a little. I am curious if anyone has any suggestions of some invert that would be puffer safe that could do the job.
  15. grayne

    Mated pair of clowns breaking up

    My pair do the same thing from time to time. But in the end they always kiss and make up and then a couple days later are at each others throat again. It seems that over time the male has learned his place and just lets the female do what she wants (hmmm...) and it keep the bickering to a minimum.
  16. grayne

    which carbon?

    I use carbon all the time, and I have tried quite a few brands. I have grown to like the black diamond brand the best because it has the least dust of the ones I have tried and seems to keep the water a little more "clear".
  17. grayne

    Valentini Puffer and Inverts

    I was wondering if anyone had any experience on how tough this little puffer is on inverts. I (actually the wife) would like to add one to our fish only tank, and wasn't sure if he would go after hermits, crabs, shrimp, etc.. Any info or lessons learned would be greatly appreciated.
  18. grayne

    2 part calcium additives

    For about the last 6 months I have been using the Warner Marine Calxmax 2 part. It seems to do a really good job at keeping calcium and Alk at a stable level (about 400 calcium and 3.2 meq). As far as time between adding, I usually wait about 15-30 seconds. If they are added to close together...
  19. grayne

    Instant Ocean...little white specs

    I had the same problem with some IO I was using a few months ago. Is there any chance the bag has been near humidity or gotten damp? My bag was fine until it was not sealed properly and the salt got kinda crusty and was sticking together due to moisture getting in the bag. I ended up throwing it...
  20. grayne

    Royal Gramma swimming upside down!

    My Royal Gramma seems to swim with a 45 degree tilt a lot of the time. I do not think there is anything wrong with it because when it is feeding or hovering around its cave it swims upright. Must just be something that the fish does???