false percs camping out



anyone elses false percs huddle in the corner of their tank? my 2 camp out in the back corner of my tank and look like they are actually resting on the floor of the tank. they both look great,eating habits are normal, my perams. are all good: ammonia 0,nitrates 5-10, nitrites 0, pH 8.4, any ideas? is this normal for clowns?
mine do alot of the same. 1 of them goes down below the heater and lays on his side at night. Mine seem to like the top of the water, then they dive bomb the food. It is very funny to watch.
What is this panting you speak of ?


Mine are always together in the top right corner of the tank. Day or night they really never leave that spot unless its feeding time. :p
I have a clown that looks like he was hit by Mike Tyson and needs corrective surgery on his upper lip. But I guess that just give him character.


the clowns have been in the tank for 4 months along with 2 yellowtail damsels just the 4 of them in a 55 gal. been thinking about 1 last fish for the aquarium, think a purple tang would work o.k.? if not, any suggestions? i want 1 last "show" fish or a main attraction to my tank if you know what i mean.


When my pair of clowns were young and setting up the sexual dominance the one who eventually became the male would get harrassed by the female for a while then he would run into a corner and hide for a hour or so and then go back for more. He would just go lay on the sand until he got enough nerve to go back, or until the female would swim by and he would follow her. Maybe your fish are still just settling in?

s.a. boy

I had 2 false perc. They died of velvet. They were doing the exact same thing all of you said your clowns are doing.
They were in my tank 4 1.5 weeks when this started to happen.
1st they were hiding in the corner of the tank only coming up to eat
then they start heavy breathing.
about a day later I found the 1 clown right at the top of the tank
the next day he was dead and the 2nd clown was doing the samething at the top of the tank and guess what he was also dead the next day:(
Here is a good link if you want to read more about it
P.S. I only found out that they died of velvet 2 days later.