Search results

  1. jamiev3

    Fraggin Mushrooms

    I have two large purple mushrooms that just reared their heads. I would love to frag them and spread them around the rockthat they are on. Could someone give me some advice for achieving this. Thank You James
  2. jamiev3

    Fragging and Dead Snails

    *bump* Id really like some help on this.
  3. jamiev3

    Fragging and Dead Snails

    I have two questions at the moment. 1) I have a large colt coral that is beginning to take over the tank. At the base it seems to divid into three stems. I would like to seperate one from the other two. Either to reattach it else where or trade into my local fish store for credit ect. I...
  4. jamiev3

    Chicago Area Stores

    I live in the northern suburbs and I am looking for a few good stores. I have found a few decent places, dry goods, food ect. But I have still not found a place that has nice corals. I have seen a few other Chitowners on this board, an I would love some info. Thanx James
  5. jamiev3

    Good Live Rock ?

    I got it from Beyond the Reef in Schaumburg on Golf Road. The guy seems a little shady to me, but the some of the product is pretty good. I also go to Advanced Aquatics which is right down the road on Roselle. Little bit smaller selection but the staff is more helpfull and the price was...
  6. jamiev3

    how 'bout a pictures thread?

    Hey I agree looks like a great start man. I woudnt mind knwoing how to put up pics too. I have a digital camera with quite a few differant pics loaded on my PC, but how do I send them to this MB. Thanks in advance. James
  7. jamiev3

    Green brain gone white

    I am new to the game too, so keep that in mind. However from what I have read, the color in the open brain coral is nothing more then algae living off the surface of the coral. If your color is gone, your algae prob went too. Try to figure out the reason for this and you can bring your color...
  8. jamiev3

    Pecula reef friendly?

    I was told that pecula clowns were suppoed to be very reef friendly. However, mine are picking at everything. When ever a coral opens up these two bandits come in and nip nip nip, causing the coral to run and hide. They seem to be pests, is this normal behavior for Pecula? Thanx, James
  9. jamiev3

    Good Live Rock ?

    I set my tan up with 30lbs of Mau Island live rock. It has come to life like there is no tomarrow. Mushrooms, green star polyps, colts, and now ive begun to see some feather dusters growing. Is it normal for the rock to be this "live"? Do I ow the LFS guy my first born? Things are growing...
  10. jamiev3

    NEwbie Question about corals

    I started with a colt and an green open brain, as it is the hardiest of the hard shell corals. hth=)
  11. jamiev3

    OT: favorite movie?

    Wait Wait, you slept through LoTR?! Ok thats it, log off right now and go see it. Travel the ends of the earth till you find a theater still showing it. My favorites listing from current on back are LoTR Matrix (cant belive it wasnt mentioned yet) Usual Suscepts now some oldies Princess Bride...
  12. jamiev3

    Brain in Pain?!

    Ive only had it about a week also, but I did not notice the spot when I bought it. I exmained it very closely before bringing it home. If I am the one hurting this poor guy Id love to know why.
  13. jamiev3

    Brain in Pain?!

    I have noticed a small brown hole on the lip of one of my Green Open Brain corals. It has a few brown strands coming out of it, I would describe it as a "rotting spot". Seems like a bad thing to me for sure, and info on causes and/or remedys Sg .022 Am 0 trite 0 trate 0 Ph 8.2
  14. jamiev3

    survey question

    Mine was also 0 throughout the cycle. I watched my Am and Nitrite closely, neither ever really spiked. Slowly my Nitrate began to rise and the algee stared to take hold. I waited another 4-5 days to be safe, then got a LFS test to be safe again. Then I was done. HTH
  15. jamiev3

    Sea Apple

    I am thinking about getting a Sea Apple. Does anyone have any experince with these? I do understand that they become toxic to the tank when they die, so I will deffintly keep an eye on him as to not ruin the tank. Food, light, current, friends, foes? Thanx in Advance James
  16. jamiev3

    Okto add snails during the cycle?

    I am wondering if it is Ok for the health of a snail to add it during the inital cycle. I have begun to see some glass and substrate algee and would love to get out ahead of it. Any thoughts?
  17. jamiev3

    Hey, where did you come from?

    So I have had my tank cycling for only about five days, and I have begun to see growth from nowhere. Is this good, bad, common, rare? Does it mean I am ready to introduce some store bought species? My ammonia, nitrate, nitrite are all at 0. Hey if I'm ust jumping the gun here someone cool me...
  18. jamiev3

    New Reef Tank, Looking for Tips

    I have already started the setup, I have an AuqaClear 300 and my light is on order from LFS atm, it was the type he suggested with both daylight and actinc (sp) bulbs. I am not sure of the wattage but my fish monger said it was "more then enough" for my 29gallon James
  19. jamiev3

    New Reef Tank, Looking for Tips

    HI all, Im new to the saltwater end of fish keeping. I have had freshwater for about ten years and Im looking to make the change over. I have a 29 Gallon with excellent lighting and filtration. I recently added 25 pounds of live rock to begin to condition the water. I am intrested in keeping...