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  1. tang_man_montreal

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    My 8 month old Pug.. He was about 5 months old in this picture.
  2. tang_man_montreal

    Please HELP... AMMONIA SPIKE in 1yr established reef.

    I found out it was the SALT!!!! I started a brand new 200gal bin of Instant Ocean salt that I had purchased at JL aquatics (one of only people who deliver to Canada) 1.5months ago when they had they're incredible price on it... I only opened it recently to do a 20gal change in order to bring the...
  3. tang_man_montreal

    Please HELP... AMMONIA SPIKE in 1yr established reef.

    Bioload... 1 yellow tang, 1 hippo tang, 1 yellow wrasse, 1 longnose hawk, 1 clown. several hermits, 2 cukes, 1 peppermint and 1 cleaner shrimp... several softies, mushrooms, ricordias, torch, frogspan, purple acro.. No signs that anything entered the tank... No deaths except for a xenia that...
  4. tang_man_montreal

    Please HELP... AMMONIA SPIKE in 1yr established reef.

    I've been battling this ammonia since last night, it's almost 3pm the next day, and have not eaten since lunch yesterday, and slept only 4 hours. I'm too tired at this point. Please look at this thread that I have on ***I am sorry but your link must go, nothing personal but it is against the...
  5. tang_man_montreal

    FOTW - Hawkfish

    Here's Mine...
  6. tang_man_montreal

    sump/fuge plans

    Krux, That "netting" on the picture of the skimmer input is used on gutters. You can find it any any hardware store in the gardening/outdoor dept. It's PLASTIC. and works great for a variety of things, including making your canopy fishproof....:)
  7. tang_man_montreal

    Established fish, QT or not?

    Thanks Bonermeister. Yes, she came from a 150 gallon tank. The QT is only a 29 gallon. Update... I tried feeding her some Spirulina enriched Brine shrimp tonight, which I soaked in garlic for 10 minutes..... She ate! Not only that, she started swimming around the tank with enthusiasm! :) Water...
  8. tang_man_montreal

    Established fish, QT or not?

    Beth, anyone.. I'm a little concerned about the clown. He's been in the QT since monday, although she has stayed in the bottom front corner of the tank since then, and hardly even moves. She hardly eats as well. I've tried flake (won't touch it), and formula2 soaked with selcon. She's taken a...
  9. tang_man_montreal

    Kyolic Liquid Garlic Extract... is this it?

    Also, If one can only find the powder tablet version, which formula is suggested? Formula 100, 101, 102, etc??? How do you administer the garlic to the food? Liquid or powder? I ask, because both come in capsules.
  10. tang_man_montreal

    Kyolic Liquid Garlic Extract... is this it?

    Is this the one you're all using? If not, can someone point it out at
  11. tang_man_montreal

    Established fish, QT or not?

    Oh yes... The Wrasse spent 3 weeks in my QT prior to being intro'd into the main tank. One week it is then... :) Thanks Beth.
  12. tang_man_montreal

    Established fish, QT or not?

    Hey everyone, please bare with me, this is long.... Last night, My friend gave me his 1 year old tank raised True Percula clown. He gave me the fish because he no longer wanted any clowns in his tank. In any case, he has a STUNNING reef with perfect water quality in which this clown was a model...
  13. tang_man_montreal

    How to quarantine Mandarin?

    I'm going to be getting a Target Mandarin within the next couple of weeks.... How does one go about quarantining a Mandarin? I've read that mandarins are pretty disease resistant. they have a slime coat that protects them from ick and other parasites. they're also supposed to emit a foul smell...
  14. tang_man_montreal

    how to feed formula 2

    Selcon is designed as a food additive that will greatly increase your fishes immune system and general health. Simply add a few drops to your food, let it soak in, and feed as normal. Contains highly unsaturated fatty acids, marine lipids, and stabilized Vitamin C. - Excellent for reef aquaria -...
  15. tang_man_montreal

    how to feed formula 2

    When I feed Formula2, I chop up 1/3 of the cube into bitesize pieces, soak it in Selcon for 15 minutes, and feed. None makes it to the bottom of the tank. :)
  16. tang_man_montreal

    Pygmy Angels (ie: Flame) safe with softies?

    Hey everyone, I know that pygmy angels have a 50/50 chance of being reef safe. But does this apply only when you have acro's? Everywhere I've read about these fish state "Oh! he ate my acros!", "Oh there goes my Montipora!" .... But what about softies and LPS? My tank only has leathers, shrooms...
  17. tang_man_montreal

    My new addition... Meet halichoeres chrysus

    Great news! Aside from forraging on pods all day long, he has a liking to Nutrafin flake food! :) He was also fed a mixture of formula 1, brine and Mysis at the LFS.
  18. tang_man_montreal

    My new addition... Meet halichoeres chrysus

    Yup, he's a looker, ain't he?
  19. tang_man_montreal

    Unknown Orange Frag at LFS

    Yup, I finally decided not to get it since it was non-photosynthetic. Oh well.
  20. tang_man_montreal

    My new addition... Meet halichoeres chrysus

    And a real close up of an adult.