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  1. tang_man_montreal

    Will Peppermint shrimps be lunch for longnose hawk?

    Hey guys, I'm probably gonna go get 2 peppermint shrimps tonight to help with an Aptasia problem that I have. I've been told that my longnose hawk will decimate any shrimp... Is this true in all cases? If I add the shrimp with the lights out, shouldn't they be ok since they are nocturnal? Please...
  2. tang_man_montreal

    A School of Yellow Tangs

    I hear them..... they're coming.... yup.... It's definately sirens...
  3. tang_man_montreal

    OL Canadian retailers...

    There's quite a few.. Depends on what you're looking for... check out: (drygoods only) <-- highly recommended There's more... but that's off the top of my head.
  4. tang_man_montreal

    Is a Skimmer that important?

    It is a Maxima "R" Air pump.. It's dual outlet, and adjustable air flow.
  5. tang_man_montreal

    Is a Skimmer that important?

    The airpump is brand new... bought it just for this occasion.
  6. tang_man_montreal

    Dang Heat... what do you do to keep things cool?

    The aquarium is in a finished basement. This is also my playroom with my tv/audio. There are 2 small windows. The only AC in the house is in my bedroom, 2 floors up. The temp reading of 86 is the tank water only. I'm guessing that it's the VHO's causing the tank to get this warm, since it's...
  7. tang_man_montreal

    Dang Heat... what do you do to keep things cool?

    I'll try it out, and get back to you... Should have more news for you tomorrow night.
  8. tang_man_montreal

    Dang Heat... what do you do to keep things cool?

    kpogue, well, judging that your tank is 150gal, and mine is 90gal, I'm guesstimating that I'll be topping off close to 1gal every 2 days from evaporation. Which is not too bad. I will put one fan pushing in, and one pulling out... see how that goes. I'm going to get 2 220w 5" fans. I'll run them...
  9. tang_man_montreal

    Store bought water?

    Drinking/spring water contail trace elements/minerals that you don't want in a tank.. Best is to use RO/DI water from walmart or your loca grocery store. Check for copper though the first time you get water from there.. Sometimes you get trace copper from the machine with Distilled water.. Maybe...
  10. tang_man_montreal

    Dang Heat... what do you do to keep things cool?

    I guess I will try the fan thing.. Since it's a canopy, I'll have it blowing from back to front. I don't want to make holes in the canopy to fit a fan. Maybe 2 fans? One at each end?? Any other ways to cool things down?
  11. tang_man_montreal

    Help ID Mysterious snail

    Thanks! I found a pic in another thread, and that's definately it..
  12. tang_man_montreal

    Dang Heat... what do you do to keep things cool?

    Dang heat... my tank got up to 86 last night... had to float bags of ice, and kept 2 out of 3 sets of my VHO's off today since it's gonna be another hot one... Is there a cheap way to cool things down without buying a chiller or floating bags of ice? Thanks!
  13. tang_man_montreal

    How to QT a burrowing fish?? Beth?

    Terry, You say keep a tight lid on... I have a canopy with an open back on my display tank... Will he find a way to jump out the back? If so, what do I do?
  14. tang_man_montreal

    Is a Skimmer that important?

    Yeah, My skimmer's skimming crap now... but it's LOUD. Any quiet adjustable air pump options?
  15. tang_man_montreal

    I'm a father!... Baby Coral

    Slothy... For mine?? I've got 6 VHO's (3 white aquatinic, 3 blue actinic) on my 90 gal.
  16. tang_man_montreal

    How to QT a burrowing fish?? Beth?

    From what several reliable sources have told me, a painted black bare bottom, or dark will suffice.. By bare, I meant, no substrate (ie: sand, etc...)
  17. tang_man_montreal

    Is a Skimmer that important?

    Ok, so my skimmer's already picking up some muck... What about the air pump? Any suggestions for an adjustable quiet pump? please???
  18. tang_man_montreal

    How about salinity?

    1.023, FOWLR, some corals.
  19. tang_man_montreal

    Help ID Mysterious snail

    Hey guys, I need help ID'ing a mysterious snail in my tank. It's about 3/4" long, oval, and a flat shell. It has two long (1/3") antenna's as well. Dunno what this guy is.. found him cruising along my LR and glass. Thanks.
  20. tang_man_montreal

    Am I really that dirty?!?

    I don't have cleaner shrimp (yet), but I do have a yellow tang, hippo tang, and a longnose hawk that all eat flake food right out of my hand... Handfed fish... who would've thunk it?