Store bought water?

Drinking/spring water contail trace elements/minerals that you don't want in a tank..
Best is to use RO/DI water from walmart or your loca grocery store. Check for copper though the first time you get water from there.. Sometimes you get trace copper from the machine with Distilled water..
Maybe someone else can add to this?


A while back there was a post about Wal-Mart water having a high amount of ammonia in it. I am not sure who started the post, but before you use it, make sure you check for everything, including copper and nitrates too.
Best of luck


Thanks for your replies. Anyone else with any more input? I went and found distilled, drinking, and spring water at wal-mart. Bought some distilled and will check before using. Thanks again everyone.


I feel the two most important factors that ensure success in this hobby are water and lighting. I use ro/di from a local company in my area. I have NEVER had any hair algae, diatom blooms, cyno and most of the common problems that seem to occur. I attribute this to the water I use. If I pick it up myself, it costs me $3-3.25 for 5gal (price depends on the amount of bottles you get). If I have it delivered, $4 - 4.50. In any event, it's well worth the cost. The way I see it is why buy a $1000 stereo and put $20 speakers on it!