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  1. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    shadow i have looked at my toma. clown very close and i did not see white spots on him at all. would the hippo be the only one to have it
  2. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    well on the lion v tang i lost my tang i think he got stong he turn a light powder blue with big wleps on him i found him dead in the tank this morning
  3. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    shadow thanks for all the help
  4. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    shadow thanks for the help on the tang vs lion. will the tang ever leave the lion alone?
  5. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    korgull are you allergic to bees this is what my husband and i have been told by some of the lfs is that if your are it can be very dangerus if not deadly if you get stong by your lion depends on how allergic to bees you are. for us i dont have as bad of a reaction to bee stings as my husband...
  6. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    so would you sugest i get another tang if so i would love a orange sholder tang my tank is 55 gallon right we are looking for a 150 to 300 reef
  7. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    i dont thing the lion is trying to sting im just afraid the tang will make him sting him i have not notice any white spots but i will go take a good look
  8. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    i ment if they dont fight it would help if i finish spelling the words
  9. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    your other fish must be to big to fit in the lions mouth they will eat smaller fish my tang is about 4 to 5 inches a lion can open his mouth larger then you think i also thought you had to have odd number of tangs do your fight. if they do i would love to get an orange sholder
  10. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    no he's not slapping it he's pushing i would say its almonst like he's snuggling. this is so hard to explain
  11. donnal

    reef tank

    we are looking for 150 to 300 gallon reef tank and lights from some one that lives in or around oklahoma city
  12. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    swimming up his back pushing him of rock just in general picking on him
  13. donnal

    lion vs blue hippo

    help my blue hippo will not leave my lion alone. when we first got the lion the hippo started bothering him so we turned off our light for about 30 hours and he still wont leave him alone i love the lion and the blue hippo. will the lion sting the blue hippo and if he does will i kill him i...
  14. donnal


    yes we have one purcula clown i agree they have a lot of personality he is a little bit of a show off .hadden my grandson named him fred. fred and the hippo witch as been name happy
  15. donnal


    we have a 55 gallon. and we have about 100 pound lr and ls. i was tpld that you should have a odd nuber of tangs so they wont pick on each other we already have a blue hippo, i saw a pupple and thought he was so pretty they are pupple and yellow the puple is so dark it almost looks black do you...
  16. donnal


    i have had him about 5or6 weeks it was after i got him i learned you should not have then in such a young tank now i check first then buy steamboat was a big help to me when i first got him and on other things what do you think of the pupple tang i would like some input on getting one . thouhts...
  17. donnal


    yes i was i hit post instead of reply our tank is 3 months old as i said we are new at this that why i say i was lucky on my anename
  18. donnal


    puy my reply in wrong place look at new posting
  19. donnal


    also talk to the ones that have been doing this for a while how old is your take my understanding is you dont want to put them in a new tankiv been told at least four month old tank i did not know this when i got mine but so far so good i think i have just been lucky
  20. donnal


    we like the live rock from what i have leaned they atach to what they want and will move around on you i also learned today that they are a sexual