

also talk to the ones that have been doing this for a while how old is your take my understanding is you dont want to put them in a new tankiv been told at least four month old tank i did not know this when i got mine but so far so good i think i have just been lucky


yes i was i hit post instead of reply our tank is 3 months old as i said we are new at this that why i say i was lucky on my anename


Active Member
There have been a few times when anemones did really well in fairly new tanks. When I first started the hobby I bought an anemone when my tank was only two months old and it looked very healthy, it was quite large too, I never could understand why it did so well because at the time my lights weren't very good. But just keep an eye on yours because even though it may look healthy sometimes it really isn't, it just doen't show. Good luck with yours. Have you had your anemone for 3 months or did you just recently get it?


i have had him about 5or6 weeks it was after i got him i learned you should not have then in such a young tank now i check first then buy steamboat was a big help to me when i first got him and on other things what do you think of the pupple tang i would like some input on getting one .
thouhts on the follow fish, im thinking of would like some input im not getting them all at once just one or to at a time over a 4 to 6 month sped
1. pupple tang
2. brown powder tang
3. fireangel
4. scooterbenny
input please


Active Member
What size tank do you have? For two tangs you would need a pretty big tank I would estimate 100 gallons or more. I don't know too much about the purple tang but I do know that all tangs can get ich very easily. The other fish would be fine, make sure you don't add the angel until your tank is at least 5 months old. And as for the tangs add them last because they can be territorial and you need to have a lot of live rock for the tangs.


we have a 55 gallon. and we have about 100 pound lr and ls. i was tpld that you should have a odd nuber of tangs so they wont pick on each other we already have a blue hippo, i saw a pupple and thought he was so pretty they are pupple and yellow the puple is so dark it almost looks black do you have ideas on other fish we would like some bright collors our 3 year old grandson love to watch the pretty fish and the 7 year old thinks there cool
will you give me some suggestons please oh exuce typing and spelling had oral surg, today i'm not all here but i'm priting the post so i can remimber.


Active Member
Well the theory with the odd number with tangs is that they won't pick on each other if they have enough room. But if you have three tangs in a 55 I can garantee there would be problems, I would suggest only one for a 55 gal. Actually only one tang is supposed to be in at least a 75 gal, but IMO a 55 is fine. I like tangs a lot myself and wish I could get one but my tank is not large enough.
If your looking for color then a perfect fish would be a royal gramma, they stay pretty small, a good community fish and are quite hardy. Do you have any other fish in the tank other than the tang? If not then like in your list a flame (fire) angel is a good choice, they are one of the most hardiest of the pygmy angels and very pretty. Have you ever considered clownfish? These are very colorful and I think have the best personality and are a very passive fish, at least most species of clown are.
Also another fish that is quite interesting looking is the firefish, they are a bit shy but very cool. There are red fierfish witch are red and white then there are purple firefish, these a very pretty but cost a little bit more than the regular firefish but they are worth the extra money. I hope this helped you.:)


yes we have one purcula clown i agree they have a lot of personality he is a little bit of a show off .hadden my grandson named him fred. fred and the hippo witch as been name happy