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  1. jimipot


    How can I lower PO4
  2. jimipot


    How can I lower PO4
  3. jimipot


    what is the best way to grow macro is it best to buy some to get started. if you do not add any how long will it take to grow on its own
  4. jimipot


    what is the best way to get it to grow what is the best way to get it to grow
  5. jimipot


    what is caulerpa?
  6. jimipot

    brown algae

    there is brown algae growing everywhere in my tank what should I do
  7. jimipot

    brown algae

    I have brown algae growing everywhere in my tank what can I do to get rid of it. Does the algae growth mean that the cycle is near the end.
  8. jimipot

    making live rock

    Is there anything you can add to the water to lower ph to reduce curing time
  9. jimipot

    Types of salt

    What is the difference in reef crystal salt and instant ocean salt they are botn made by the same company
  10. jimipot

    Can you make your own live rock

    Has anyone tried making their own live rock if so how did it turn out
  11. jimipot

    How long does it take for a new tank to cycle

    How long does it take for a new tank to cycle? I added three damsels to my tank after two weeks two of them died after a week.
  12. jimipot

    alternative to bio balls

    Does anyone know of a good filter media that is cheaper and as effective as bio balls?