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  1. harald

    fighting counchs

    I've got a fighting conch in my tank as well, and he moves all over. He does disappear, for sometimes weeks at a time, but during those times he's moving around under the sand. Anyway, he does do his job, so I'm not complaining. :)
  2. harald

    List of reef supplements to add...

    I partially agree with blondenaso1. I haven't done a water change in my 48 for almost 3 months now, and I have no problems at all. Some of my animals are even breeding. I've also removed my skimmer because it stayed clear for over 3 weeks. My skimmer has been out for 3 weeks now and my water is...
  3. harald

    Penguin Biowheel

    Using the biowheel would not be a good idea, as the wheel would end up with most of the bacteria for the tank(most O2). The best bet would be to throw the wheel away and only used the LR/LS hth
  4. harald


    I too had problems with hair & bubble algae. I, however, added three types of good algae, Red Fern, Red Plastic Grass, and Purple Ochotodes macroalgae. The Red Plastic isn't doing well, the Tuxedo urchin kept breaking pieces off. The Red Fern is doing alright, growing, but slowly. THe Purple...
  5. harald

    All you Canadians...

    Try in Chilliwack, BC. Their fish are certified non-cyanide caught, and since they supply Big Al's and other LFS's, they're a hell of a lot cheaper then going most other places. hth