fighting counchs


i just picked up 2 of these they have not really moved much do they do most of their work and moving when the lights are on or off?


Active Member
I bought two of them a week ago...for a couple days they never moved an inch...I think because my porcupine puffer was being very curious about them...but he didn't eat them because I do see them from time to time...
Anyway I never saw them for a couple days...then they showed up in seperate parts of the tank...then a couple days later they were moved somewhere else...I think these guys burrow into the sand don't they? Anyway I guess mine are doing their job :)


Active Member
ive had mine for about a month 1/2 and it just sits barried in the sand... ill see its little trunk come out and grab some stuff on the sand bed... my queen is always zipping around


Active Member
heh prob, but i needed to fill my build it kit from here... so i go one of them too.. gets to pic off to someone elses tanks it goes


Active Member
my queen conch doesnt do much of anythign. sits in one place for most of the day, but i know shes still alive cause i see her eyestalks, and snout ans stuff
good luck


I have two queens which are always on the move. They also have done a great job cleaning up.


New Member
I've got a fighting conch in my tank as well, and he moves all over. He does disappear, for sometimes weeks at a time, but during those times he's moving around under the sand. Anyway, he does do his job, so I'm not complaining. :)
I have 2 fighting conch and they are on the move all the time! Sometimes they are buried in the sand with just their eyes and trunk sticking up and other times they are happily strutting around the tank taking in the sights. They are rarely together. Independent little buggers. They do a nice job with the sand and are growing well. I've had them for about a year.


My Queen goes all over the tank and rocks. She likes some seaweed from time to time.
My two fighting conchs usually are burrowed under the sand. Sometimes I'll see one... usually one will get unearthed if I'm pulling shells outta the sand -- just buries itself again. This is the only way I know the buggers are alive.