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  1. steintzfish

    Just curious

    Are there any starfish for reef aquarium that do regenerate by fission?
  2. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    thanks guys! wow! Its great to see that some people actually do still care about others. I'll try to get a hold of the Better Business Bureau in Florida and see if they can help. Sorry to be so pessimistic but I think its a lost cause. I'll try anyway.
  3. steintzfish

    Just curious

    If you cut a piece of a leg off a brittle star, will that piece grow into anoter star. And will the original brittle star regrow the severed limb? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  4. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    Just spread the word guys, his name is David Visovatti and hes a scum bag. do not order anything from him. And (a hard lesson learned) never never NEVER EVER order anything without a credit card. its money in the toilet. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> :mad:
  5. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    Hes already shut down the web site I ordered from. Im sure he will pop back up sooner or later. I feel bad for the next person he screws. Im sure its a matter of time. Wish I could do more but the effort is hardly worth the results.
  6. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    He took me for over $200 and there is not much I can do about it. What a nice way to make a living! He lives in Florida an dIm in Pennsylvania. Kinda hard to pay him a visit. and hardly worth going to court over. Would cost more than I've lost already and probably take years from my life in just...
  7. steintzfish

    Satellite picture of florida

    Is it possible that the "black water" is actually a shadow caused by the excessive algae bloom? <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />
  8. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    jeo, wish I talked to you sooner. I'll have to come here first before I order stuff in the future. Has anyone ever ordered from GARF? Are they legit?
  9. steintzfish

    brittle star problem

    If you dangle a piece of shrimp or squid in front of him, I bet he will come out. As for keeping him out of the intake, maybe you can attach a peice of fiberglass screen in front of the holes. Its worth a try.
  10. steintzfish

    I got ripped off !!!!

    Has anyone ordered from "Dave's reef pure" before? I ordered some lights from him and he screwed me for a couple hunderd dollars. Stay away from that guy. He is a scam artist!!! <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]"...
  11. steintzfish

    Moving tank

    Ive done this with my 75 gallon. i removed the sand and all.(it will be very heavy with sand still in) did everything else the same. no losses. took me about 4 hrs from start to finish.