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  1. van787

    Weird type worm?

    Hello, NO its not any type of bristle worm i have seen. Its has serpent style movements as it swims. Man i wish i had digital camera. Cant afford one in this hobby.:eek: Thanks
  2. van787

    Weird type worm?

    Hello, i just pulled out a worm or what ever from my tank it moves like a sidewinder snake. it has what looks like antenna like things on its head and hair along its body. Its about 1/2 inch in length and white to off white in color, is this freind or foe ? A quick response will be great so if...
  3. van787

    PC lighting help

    Hello, I have a german style pin set up on my pc fixture. My question is can i switch the end connections to fit the 4 pin square configuration? Has anyone ever done this and if you have how hard is it?:D Thanks in advance.
  4. van787

    Xenia ?

    Thanks alot guys for your replies helps alot.:D
  5. van787

    Xenia ?

    :confused: Hello just a quick question about xenias. What is the best current for them. And any good advice on keeping them in shape. Thanks.