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  1. taiidrkstrangr

    Another Identication plz....

    how would you know if you have any of those things in your tank? are there any signs to look for?
  2. taiidrkstrangr

    what water is best

    i knew someone who once used rain water for there water changes. is this a good habit to get into or not?
  3. taiidrkstrangr

    algae in a reef tank

    my lights are on for 8 hours a day. i only feed my fish once a day and it is not much food just enough for them to consume in five minutes.all my readings are normal.i will try to cool my tank a few degrees and see if that helps.i was told the sailfin blenny and the lawn mower blenny are the...
  4. taiidrkstrangr

    algae in a reef tank

    it is green hair clean upcrew consists of 1 sally about 50 turbos,5 or 6 green emeralds,and about 50 or so blue legged hermits.i have been told that a saifin bleeny is good for taht is that true?
  5. taiidrkstrangr

    algae in a reef tank

    i am lookin for ways to get rid of algae in my 230 gallon ref tank.could someone please help.