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  1. electrocuted

    Chaetomorpha in freshwater?

    Does anyone know is chaeto will flourish in a freshwater refugium? Thanks
  2. electrocuted

    a couple of light questions.....**clueless**

    I agree with Eaglefan. Get yourself and Icecap ballast and convert over some NO lights into VHO. My tank took off after I did.
  3. electrocuted

    Look!!! Nude Pictures!!!

    Just kidding. But seriously, I need some help identifying these sacs that appeared in my tank overnight. I am not having any luck. Please check out this post Sorry for getting your hopes up. :D
  4. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    Here is another post with a better picture of the same problem.
  5. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    No, they do not move at all. I don't know whether or not I should remove these things. What do you guys think?
  6. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    another pic
  7. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    I noticed all of these sacs after 1 night. They have not grown or changed in 4 or 5 days. Does anybody know what these might be? There are a total of 11 of these sacs, all individually stuck to my glass, all on one side of my tank. Also, you really can't tell from the pix but these sacs are flat...
  8. electrocuted

    ID needed please

  9. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    I have noticed 2 small blooms of bubble algae in the last month. I have read about taking the rock out of the tank and attempting to remove the algae from the rock with bursting it, but I have not gotten around to it. I will remove the bubble algae today, but how should I handle these sacs...
  10. electrocuted

    ID needed please

    This is my first attemp at posting a pic. I hope it is clear enough. I'm almost positive these were not here last night. There are 7 of these "sacs" all on the same wall of the aquarium. Are they snails eggs? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. electrocuted

    Powercord for Icecap 660?

    I recently just purchased an Icecap 660 ballast off ---- and I am eager to hook this baby up. I have the multi-colored harness that hooks up to the endcaps but how do I get power to this sucker??? I see the 4 prong female receiver. Is this a standard harness I can buy at Home Depot to hook this...
  12. electrocuted

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    DO NOT use a nylon net just big enough to scoop up your porcupine puffer when he is uninflated!!!!!!!!
  13. electrocuted

    Ecosytem vs protein skimmer

    I currently only have an Emperor 400 and a large canister filter in my 110 FOWLR. I am looking to add a protein skimmer and I ran across these Ecosytem Miracle Mud filters. They say you don't need a protein skimmer and they are only a little more expensive that the Berlin Turbos. Which way...
  14. electrocuted

    Steam distilled water

    My water company at work provides steam distilled water. Would this be ok for water changes? What would be the benefits of using RO or RO/DI water instead? Thanks
  15. electrocuted

    Should I convert to DSB?

    I started my FOTWLR about 2 months ago and everything has went great. (knock on wood here) I have a 110 xhi with 100# of live rock and about 50# crushed coral for a substrate. Should I convert to a DSB. From everything I have read on the site, it looks as if it is the way to go. If so, do I just...
  16. electrocuted

    well i bought 200lbs of sand

    Javatech, That is probably silica sand, which is 100% silicon. It is used for sandblasting and for an additive to driveway sealer. Not exactly what you are looking to put in your tank. Just guessing.
  17. electrocuted

    Shrimp & Spotted Hawk?

    Thanks everyone. So no shrimp. What should I get to clean? My maid says get lost. She doesn't do windows, dishes or crushed coral. ;)
  18. electrocuted

    Shrimp & Spotted Hawk?

    I hear that the spotted hawks eat crustaceans. Will I have a problem with shrimp? My other fish are 2 percs, lawnmower blenny and a lunar wrasse. I have a 110 xtra hi with no cleanup crew as of yet. What are some other sugestions for keeping tank clean and also for other fish? Thanks for any...
  19. electrocuted

    Shrimp & Spotted Hawk?

    I hear that the spotted hawks eat crustaceans. Will I have a problem with shrimp? My other fish are 2 percs, lawnmower blenny and a lunar wrasse. I have a 110 xtra hi with no cleanup crew as of yet. What are some other sugestions for keeping tank clean and also for other fish? Thanks for any help.