well i bought 200lbs of sand


i got 200lbs of sand from home depo its called Fantasy sand put out buy costal distbuters its the sand off the beach i talke to the guy in the home and gurden senter about it after going to about 7 places and haveing no luck. lucky the guy that works thay has a reef too and said that he used it in his reef and had no problems he also told me that thay clean and starilize itim not 100% sure about useing it yet im useing some of it for my new 46gal bow front im in the prosses of seting up now guess i sould just try it let it cycle for a few weeks and add some fish and see what happins any thoughts on this? anyone ever seen or used this sand????? it was only $3.50 for a 50lbs bag witch i think is to cheap to be true can i get some apinons before i put it in my main tanks plz!!!!!!!!!!


how can i tell it has no markings or anything to say what it is can i not use it if its the sand your talking about its kinda a whiteish gold color dont know if that helps
I know exactly what you are using and I used it when I first started and now six months later the sand is compleatly live and it seems that all of the bristle worms like it the corals do seem to mind either. I just washed it out really well. But it is really cheap hu? It also holds my ph excellent. Its just the other people never tryed. Hope I helped you.:D


i found some at my home depo called white sand and thats it not even a bar code on the bag. opened it up and it looks like fine salt. tested it with vinager and it did not fizz o-well it looks good anyway and it's only 3.00 for 70 lbs:p


New Member
That is probably silica sand, which is 100% silicon. It is used for sandblasting and for an additive to driveway sealer. Not exactly what you are looking to put in your tank.
Just guessing.


ok so this 200lbs of fantasy sand is fine i take it it has a picter of a little girl makeing a sand castle with fire works in the back round lol thats about it outhe then the 50lbs and bar code thats it its a white bag os i guess ill wash it out good and when i do my water change here in about and hour ill just put the 200lbs in my 46 gal fill it with old water and some new and a pice or to of my live rock and should be ready for my main tank in about 4 weeks right? thanks for your replies


its sand box sand not the blasting or sealent sand thy had that stuff in the concret section and i almost bougt that till the guy there told me not to use it for what im useing it for he told me there is play sand that is beter in the home and guraden ceter wish i bought the stuff above^^^^^^^^



Originally posted by Electrocuted
That is probably silica sand, which is 100% silicon. It is used for sandblasting and for an additive to driveway sealer. Not exactly what you are looking to put in your tank.

yea but as you know it's hard to find southdown sand out here:(