Search results

  1. glinton

    typhoon skimmer

    It looks like it should be called the "Skiminator." I searched the forums here and found some good help so I went ahead and bought one. Thanks!
  2. glinton

    wtb protien skimmer

    Thanks for the replies but I went ahead and ordered a new one online.
  3. glinton

    typhoon skimmer

    Has anyone had any experience with the typhoon skimmer? It is pretty inexpensive which is good but I am pretty skeptical b/c you usually get what you pay for!!!! Any advice? Thanks!
  4. glinton

    wtb protien skimmer

    I am needing to buy a HOB skimmer for my 30gal aquarium. If anyone has one they are wanting to get rid of, let me know. Thanks!
  5. glinton

    Canary blenny not eating

    Great. Thanks for the advice petjunkie. I will try something else. Any other suggestions??
  6. glinton

    Canary blenny not eating

    Two weeks ago, I bought a canary blenny. The store said they had him for a few weeks and he was eating fine. Since he has been in my tank he has not eaten anything I have fed him for the past two weeks. I am feeding him emerald entree. Is there something else I need to be feeding him? He is in a...
  7. glinton

    Algae problem

    I have an algae problem in my tank and I am starting the typical things to get rid of it: frequent water changes, limiting light, etc. But I was wondering what type of "critters" can I get to clean up the tank? I have had two lawnmower blennies in the past and both have died...I am a little...
  8. glinton

    DIY plans for a 30 long canopy

    I am looking for plans for a DIY canopy for a 30 long. If anyone has any, please let me know. Thanks- Greg
  9. glinton

    WTB MH retro lights

    Wow. That's a great deal. I will e-mail you and we can talk more.
  10. glinton

    WTB MH retro lights

    I need a used MH retro kit 175 or 250 Watt. If anyone has one for sale please let me know PC lights just went out. Thanks!
  11. glinton

    Emerald crab molt pics

    War Eagle my friend! I also see you are in Waco. There are more Auburn fans out here in Texas than I expected.
  12. glinton

    Reefer's...please opinions on powerheads

    Don't do the rotating ones. Within about a month or two they stop rotating and become regular ol' powerheads.
  13. glinton

    Emerald crab molt pics

    Could someone please post some pics of emerald crabs molting? I know Kip posted some, but when I found the old post, the pics were, for some reason, no longer there. I believe mine has molted but I just want to make sure. Thanks!
  14. glinton

    Sixline wrasse

    Oh, and I named my previous sixline wrasse "Aubie." I think I love AU too much...
  15. glinton

    Sixline wrasse

    War Eagle my friend! Good to see another Auburn Tiger on the boards.
  16. glinton

    Sixline wrasse

    I had a sixline wrasse before and he ate almost my whole pod population. He was a great fish (great personality) except for his love of pods. For those who have sixlines--how do you keep your pod population up?
  17. glinton

    clean up crew

    Is it true that you cannot add a big clean up crew just after your tank is done cycling? I would like to add a crew from, but can I add that big of a crew at once?
  18. glinton

    thermometer breakage

    I was assuming that the "red stuff" was pretty harmless. Thanks so much sammiefish!
  19. glinton

    thermometer breakage

    Well, I am soooooo glad to be back in the hobby again. I have been out for about 2 years but I am going to start up my reef tank again. While my tank was in storage, the thermometer broke on the bottom of the empty tank. The thermometer was fairly new and had red "stuff" inside of it along with...