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  1. jak424

    pipefish babies

    We have moved them to a secure location. We also have a fire gobie that loves to eat. Also, after letting out 1 or 2 every 30 minutes, he couldnt hold them anymore. He swam to the surface and literally exploded, releasing about 50-60 little tiny pipefish! We've rounded up as many as we can...
  2. jak424

    pipefish babies

    Hello, Anyone got any suggestions on keeping pipefish fry alive? Seven are "out" with maybe more coming. Have started hatching brine for them, but any other suggestions or help would be appreciated.... thanks :)
  3. jak424

    Fish for smaller tanks (again..)

    I've got a 10 gal with about 10 pds LR and CC bed. Several blue hermits and a nice hitchhiker hermit of some sort and a mex turbo snail patrol the bottom. Fake perc. cruises around the mid and top. Pipefish sticks to the LR, and a green clown goby hangs out in some red plants we got. Everyone's...
  4. jak424

    Any Pipe fish keepers?

    Anyone keep pipefish? Just wondering what other people's pipefish like to eat. Looking to vary the diet of ours, but he is particular about what he wants.
  5. jak424

    what is this stuff?

    NM Reef seems the closest. It is interlocking and weaving on top of itself. It's not a worm, doesn't move. Just grows. Thanks for the feedback.
  6. jak424

    what is this stuff?

    Sorry I can t post a pic, but someone got the camera. Anyhow, anyone want to offer what these transparent white tubes are that are rapidly advancing across the LR? They seem to have openings on the end, but nothing comes out - ever. No mucus, no two probes, nothing. But it is growing quickly. It...
  7. jak424

    Help ID on hitchhiker crab

    His limbs are more delicate, thinner, and he is brown. And this one doesn't have fuzzy antennae. When he sits in his shell, most of this time all you can see isthe two moth-like antennae poking out about 1/2 inch.
  8. jak424

    is this dangerous?

    The pipefish has been in the tank for a couple of weeks. Everyone gets along. Everyone eats well as far as we can tell. The pipefish ssems to prefer eating copeopods off the glass to live brine, but he's the only pod-eater, so that's ok. The problem is that fish store owners tell us he'll be ok...
  9. jak424

    is this dangerous?

    This may be a dumb question, but different people keep giving me different answers. Will an ordinary rock anemone kill other fish in the tank? There is a clownfish, which obviously is not in danger, but we also house a pipefish, and a small green goby. Are these fish in danger from an anemone?
  10. jak424

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    The main reason I mentioned the shrimp is that besides reading from someone who probably has less actual evidence than I do, I also accidently dropped more shrimp in our tank than our hermits and everyone else cared for, and instead of removing the meat, I thought I would see what happened. So...
  11. jak424

    Help ID on hitchhiker crab

    He's definitely a hermit. He's lugging around a shell that's far too big for him, but he ignores the smaller ones. His left claw is much larger than the right claw. He looks very much more like a regular hermit crab than the type pictured above, save the long feathery antennae. That's a nice...
  12. jak424

    mandrin goby is real hungry

    Has anyone else heard that it helps to keep your pods up if you stuff shrimp into a pile of stones (where the mandarin can't get to) and let it decay there? Sort of an in-house refigur-thingy...
  13. jak424

    Help ID on hitchhiker crab

    Can't seem to find any pictures or descriptions fitting the little fellow. He came clinging to LR without a shell. He's smaller than most of the blue-legs and has hairy antennae like a moth. He moves very little, only to get his food-catchers into the water flow better. Anyone know what kind of...
  14. jak424

    Live Rock from

    Just wondering if anyone's ordered lr from, and if so, what was its quality, size, etc. Thankls