Help ID on hitchhiker crab


New Member
Can't seem to find any pictures or descriptions fitting the little fellow. He came clinging to LR without a shell. He's smaller than most of the blue-legs and has hairy antennae like a moth. He moves very little, only to get his food-catchers into the water flow better. Anyone know what kind of hermit this is? Thanks for any help...


New Member
He's definitely a hermit. He's lugging around a shell that's far too big for him, but he ignores the smaller ones. His left claw is much larger than the right claw. He looks very much more like a regular hermit crab than the type pictured above, save the long feathery antennae. That's a nice photo though.


New Member
His limbs are more delicate, thinner, and he is brown. And this one doesn't have fuzzy antennae. When he sits in his shell, most of this time all you can see isthe two moth-like antennae poking out about 1/2 inch.