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  1. 96_ek9

    lawnmower blenny feeding

    it also ate off all the algea on the lr and it looks verry skinny to mee ill try the other food u recomended thanks
  2. 96_ek9

    lawnmower blenny feeding

    was just wondering what you feed yours i tried misid shrimp and dried algea but wont accept please help thanks
  3. 96_ek9

    new puffer

    i see u have the eclipse set up like mine hows ur clown and puffer doing and how big are they im planning on getting a clown do they bite each other??
  4. 96_ek9

    good partner for trigger?

    what should i put with it thinking about a lion, porc puffer, or an eel 40g tank
  5. 96_ek9

    what should i put with my trigger

    yea im new to this board im only 15 great site but whut should i put with my trigger only have 40 gal thinking about a puffer ,lion.or eel wil it bite any of these?? thanks:cool: