lawnmower blenny feeding


New Member
was just wondering what you feed yours i tried misid shrimp and dried algea but wont accept
please help


yep, i bought mine to help w/ an overabundance of hair algae.I'm still not sure if he's actually eating it or just tearing it off the rocks and sand and tossing it around..he doesn't seem to be losing any weight.But I've always read/heard algae is their source of food.


New Member
it also ate off all the algea on the lr and it looks verry skinny to mee
ill try the other food u recomended thanks


Active Member

Originally posted by mercedes
they feed mostly on pods..............

LMBs get their name, b/c they are strict herbivores. Scooters feed mainly on pods, but LMBs feed only on plant life. Algae, algae wafers, some like flakes, and ours also likes nori(seaweed which can be bought in grocery stores often)


Active Member
do they eat macro algae, my friend has some feather macro from my tank and we werent sure if it would eat it or not


Active Member
up to the fish and partly dependant upon whihc macro, ours likes some but not all types


Active Member
i noticed in my friends tank, he has a crap load of razor type macro and his fish seems to stay away from that but only some(but small amount) do eat it, but when i gave him a ziplock bag full he said it all disappeared in a week


I Have a LMB and all he does is comb the rocks and glass for Algae when the lights are on. He doesnt ever go after the Nori I place in the tank for my tang, nor does he eat my Spirulina flakes and pellets. He must be eating well though, cause he's pretty fat, and all he ever does when he's not eating is crap all over the place. Luckily, my Scarlets and Shrimp manage the mess fairly well 8^).


Mine has eaten some of everything I've ever added to the tank, Brine shrimp, plankton, krill, Formula 1 & 2, and he loves the eat on the Nori..