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  1. kellyocean

    Posting some of my pics....

  2. kellyocean

    tang trouble

    jwtrojan44, Well I must say! Thank you very much for your quick response. I knew someone out there must be listening! Another quick question, and comment: A: I know it sounds crazy, but I feel very attached to Pooty. Afterall, he loves to greet me and eat out of my hand. So why can't I put...
  3. kellyocean

    tang trouble

    Hi ! Help me someone. I don't want to get picked on here tonite, but I have a dilemma concerning what to do with my sailfin tang. I have had 2 tanks (40-gal.) for 6 months with a sailfin, (affectionately named "POOTY TANG" perc clown, neon and domino damsel. 2 months ago I bought a 90-gal...