tang trouble


New Member
Hi ! Help me someone.
I don't want to get picked on here tonite, but I have a dilemma concerning what to do with my sailfin tang. I have had 2 tanks (40-gal.) for 6 months with a sailfin, (affectionately named "POOTY TANG" perc clown, neon and domino damsel. 2 months ago I bought a 90-gal. and have one yellow tang,(aka "BIG BIRD) 3 blue damsels, 2 stripe damsels and 1 hermit crab.
Now that everyone is asleep, here's the question: I recently found out how big the sailfin can get and would like to put him in the larger tank. However, I know he and the Yellow Tang wouldn't get along. (right?). So what do I do. I love "Pooty" and don't want to confine him (he seems very happy in his domain), but I also don't want to imprison "Big Bird".
Anyhoo, what do I do?


New Member
Well I must say! Thank you very much for your quick response. I knew someone out there must be listening!
Another quick question, and comment:
A: I know it sounds crazy, but I feel very attached to Pooty. Afterall, he loves to greet me and eat out of my hand. So why can't I put him in the 90gal (for now til I can eke out the cash for a larger tank) and put the yellow tang in the 40? Would the yellow attack my clown? Would I be able to house a huma huma trigger with either species?
Thanks again for your response! l