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  1. attml

    8 pack of SPS

    Turbinaria Reniformis. Nice shots! You have some nice corals there!
  2. attml


    KPK & NM, Thank you guys very much! Chris, I sent you an e-mail to whatever your default e-mail account you have listed on the other board. Mark
  3. attml


    Here is a different angle of the aquituberculata
  4. attml


    MontiDanae, KPK, Thank you very much! KPK, yours could be Green M. Digitata. which is more branching (like the pic below). The aquituberculata is more plating/ encrusting. Chris, I don't have any PM service - Sorry!!! I will try to e-mail you shortly after I get the kids in bed.
  5. attml


  6. attml


    Pink Milli
  7. attml


    Brown / Blue acro
  8. attml


    Purple Encrusting Montipora
  9. attml


    Montipora Spongodes
  10. attml


    Also green plating / encrusting montipora (may be aquituberculata)
  11. attml


  12. attml


    Chris, Here you go Rosaria looking w/blue tips
  13. attml

    new tank pics

    Great looking tank!:)
  14. attml

    My apologies

    ophiura, Welcome back! It is good to see you back here! I have missed your starfish posts and am glad to see you back on the board!!!! Please stick around - there are a lot of hobbiest that need your experience and direction!:) Mark
  15. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    My new A. tenius frag
  16. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    Saltymom & Jeffro, Thank you very much! Here are a few more!
  17. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    Thanks NM! I appreciate it!! Mark
  18. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    Bdubbya & FLATZBOY, Thank You very much! Mark
  19. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    Ross, Thank you very much! Some of this stuff may be available online before you know it!:) jeffro8332, Thank you very much! Here you go!
  20. attml

    Saturday Morning Sunshine

    Full Tank Shot