My apologies


Active Member
I left very suddenly.
So I am sorry for that.
I haven't checked here in months and months and months, nor anywhere else, for that matter, including my own site!
You see, I was one of those people who thought it would be great fun and the ideal job to work at a public-ish aquarium. And it was the perfect job, at the wrong place.
Think you are paranoid about your 100g system? Don't like doing water changes? Try it on systems that are tens of thousands of gallons with fish worth the same amount.
I am no longer employed by the Downtown Aquarium in Houston, where I worked for about 15 months. I left in June, and have a new job far removed from the field.
For anyone who may have visited the Aquarium, prior to a couple of months ago, I must ask for understanding! The coral tank, in particular, was one of my many systems, and it was majorly flawed as anyone with any experience in the hobby could tell.
Inverts were CONSTANTLY dying from the design, and various people above me insisted on trying more. It was emotionally draining. I cried over that tank many times and reached a point where I could not look at it (apart from the hours that I was in it, 3 times a week).
Shortly before I left I decided to put a polyfilter in the system (which was, BTW, 3,500g). Surprise! What would be the worst color it could turn?
So there we had it. Finally, after 15 months, the higher ups were convinced it would not work, and the tank was completely redone.
The ultimate source of the copper was unknown, but it most likely entered through the foundation cement-like stuff that was used to build a support structure for live rock (by people who knew nothing about what they were doing, and who are not affiliated with the place any longer).
I also had the touch tanks, which I can't stand the thought of, at least as it was designed. And what did they want? Seastars, and they didn't last long. And there were other things (animals, care) that I disagreed with. We all have our ideas about the ethics of this hobby and what we want to do may not always be what others demand or do or believe. Here, the is a chance people will listen and change. In that environment, they may not.
Anyway, I was drained on the hobby at that point, and didn't desire to come home and talk about it more, here, or anywhere else.
Be careful what you wish for.
BTW, this is not a bash of them. The concept of the Downtown Aquarium is quite a good one for people like me, and there is potential. There may be one coming soon to a city near you (Nashville just opened one, for example). Many are just the restaurants like Kemah and Nashville...the one in Houston has an exhibit chain as well. There are some good people in charge, but no doubt some issues for this growing concept.
And also, FWIW, those fish eat well :yes: indeed.
I don't know that I'll make it back often. My husband and I just bought our first house :) and, as mentioned, I'm at a new job and don't know how much I can get away with yet ;)
But I want you guys to know I am sorry I missed those echinoderm questions! FYI, I can generally be reached at my email and will help as much as I can:
ophiuroid@(no spam)
Best wishes to everyone!


you dont knwo how mcuh we missed you!!!!
sucks about your lose in the hobby for that while, hopefully we can re-new your intrest!


Glad to hear from you!
I too disappeared for a few months and when I started back I noticed several regulars had disappeared, you being one of those.
Come back often & wish you well with your new job & new house.

nm reef

Active Member
absolutely great to see you here. I have often wondered how things where going for you. Sounds like the business took on way more than they could cope with and depended on less than experienced folks to establish/maintain it. I liked the concept...remember the wife and I visited shortly after you were hired. Its a shame they can't manage the "concept" better.
Thanks for stopping by and please feel free to resume your great advice ... we've certainly missed your expertise on starfish.


Active Member
OMG, that goodness your here!! So many starfish Q's from people and no
Ophiura to answer

Sorry to hear about your troubles. Sad to hear that these aquariums would want to run their tanks like that. Too much to lose. Sad when the losses do occur, they finally figure it out. :nope:
Glad to see you around, stop in occasionally. Good luck with the new house :)


Active Member
I've seen your name dropped many times and have read a few threads where you shared some great advice. I can only imagine how stressful your situation must have been. Hope drop by more often...


Active Member
O- You have been greatly missed around here.
I just want you to know I totally understand, I was in the zoo field for 5yrs, and the frustration and agony and tears were countless, the balancing of animal care vs revenue is a constant battle. and of course us pe-ons (you know the ones who dedicate thier lives to the animals and most have college degrees), knew nothing other than feeding and scooping poo. It got to be so much it was a relief when I found out I was pregnant and decided to stay home.


Staff member
Susan, glad to hear from you! I think all of us who care about marine life really do get to the point at some time or another when we just can't deal with the "captivity" component anymore [and all the problems of keeping captive sea creatures]; I know I have felt that way over the years and have had to take a break from tanks.
Stop by more often and help out us "star" loving hobbyists! :D


Active Member
Thanks guys, I've really missed everyone! I thought I would just stop in and say Hey! but I've been surfing around again :D Addictive stuff.
FWIW, I also had to "deal with" the reptiles. Now, I'm not really a big snake person so I wasn't thrilled with this. LOL! And doing the water chemistry every day for 30 systems for eight months wasn't a thrill either!! But we had beautiful equipment for it, and you would be amazed how a tank can 'talk' to you when you know it that well. It was a beautiful thing actually.
And the job made me a touch crazy

But I learned a lot and hopefully I can share some of it!


Staff member

Originally posted by ophiura
Now, I'm not really a big snake person so I wasn't thrilled with this. LOL!

I have 3 myself who I love dearly. :D


Active Member
Times up..... can I mix starfish? Like a blue linkia and a brittle star? I have a 55 with a nice green brittle in it right now. Thinking of another star.


Active Member
Most seastar/brittlestars are fine together. The problem is competition for food. In the case of brittles and things like Linckia, there is no competition. You can keep many different types of brittles/serpents and seastars together, so long as those that can be fed are (eg if you kept chocolate chip...a predatory star...and brittles).
As MontiDanae said, though, the problem here is that a 55g tank is unlikely to sustain the needs of a blue Linckia. It will most likely die of starvation, if it survives acclimation. Assuming you have a reef tank with lots of LR, Linckia multiflora is a better option. If you search for it, there should be some threads. But remember acclimation and water quality are still critical.
And you can keep additional brittlestars as well, should you decide you would like more of those.


Active Member
Welcome back! It is good to see you back here! I have missed your starfish posts and am glad to see you back on the board!!!! Please stick around - there are a lot of hobbiest that need your experience and direction!:)


dammm, you can write,lol

Originally Posted by ophiura
I left very suddenly.
So I am sorry for that.
I haven't checked here in months and months and months, nor anywhere else, for that matter, including my own site!
You see, I was one of those people who thought it would be great fun and the ideal job to work at a public-ish aquarium. And it was the perfect job, at the wrong place.
Think you are paranoid about your 100g system? Don't like doing water changes? Try it on systems that are tens of thousands of gallons with fish worth the same amount.
I am no longer employed by the Downtown Aquarium in Houston, where I worked for about 15 months. I left in June, and have a new job far removed from the field.
For anyone who may have visited the Aquarium, prior to a couple of months ago, I must ask for understanding! The coral tank, in particular, was one of my many systems, and it was majorly flawed as anyone with any experience in the hobby could tell.
Inverts were CONSTANTLY dying from the design, and various people above me insisted on trying more. It was emotionally draining. I cried over that tank many times and reached a point where I could not look at it (apart from the hours that I was in it, 3 times a week).
Shortly before I left I decided to put a polyfilter in the system (which was, BTW, 3,500g). Surprise! What would be the worst color it could turn?
So there we had it. Finally, after 15 months, the higher ups were convinced it would not work, and the tank was completely redone.
The ultimate source of the copper was unknown, but it most likely entered through the foundation cement-like stuff that was used to build a support structure for live rock (by people who knew nothing about what they were doing, and who are not affiliated with the place any longer).
I also had the touch tanks, which I can't stand the thought of, at least as it was designed. And what did they want? Seastars, and they didn't last long. And there were other things (animals, care) that I disagreed with. We all have our ideas about the ethics of this hobby and what we want to do may not always be what others demand or do or believe. Here, the is a chance people will listen and change. In that environment, they may not.
Anyway, I was drained on the hobby at that point, and didn't desire to come home and talk about it more, here, or anywhere else.
Be careful what you wish for.
BTW, this is not a bash of them. The concept of the Downtown Aquarium is quite a good one for people like me, and there is potential. There may be one coming soon to a city near you (Nashville just opened one, for example). Many are just the restaurants like Kemah and Nashville...the one in Houston has an exhibit chain as well. There are some good people in charge, but no doubt some issues for this growing concept.
And also, FWIW, those fish eat well :yes: indeed.
I don't know that I'll make it back often. My husband and I just bought our first house :) and, as mentioned, I'm at a new job and don't know how much I can get away with yet ;)
But I want you guys to know I am sorry I missed those echinoderm questions! FYI, I can generally be reached at my email and will help as much as I can:
ophiuroid@(no spam)
Best wishes to everyone!