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  1. slim335

    mushroom ko'd in one day

    Mushroom corals Genus Actinodiscus do not eat brine shrimp. They are a "small" animals that get nutrients throgh uptake from the h20. Technically from the ciliary mucus transport of trapped particulate matter and from their zooxanthellae. They do have Nematocysts, or tenical like things that...
  2. slim335

    Ever do a 35 gallon HEXAGON reef tank!!!

    Also, as before mentioned : the tank is tall and narrow. This will lead to problems with circulation; you'll want to make sure that you have enough powerheads or other circulation methods to get a good current throughout the tank.
  3. slim335

    Another Question for you all....

    You could try some damsels, or clowns ( in the damsel family), but I wouldn't try anything else in the tank. It is so tall you will have trouble getting good circulation throughout the entire tank. Also, it is small, so the small fluctuations in water chemstry and temp and salinity that would...
  4. slim335

    Live Sand

    Thanks good reading
  5. slim335

    Live Sand

    I’ve read in several places that it is advantages to add a deep sand bed at some 4-8in deep of ls. I was wondering why this is a good idea. It is my understanding that the bacteria that keep the ls alive need oxygen to themselves live. Wouldn’t adding so much sand just create dead spots in the...