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  1. jdazzle

    cycle over? next steps?

    Other than when you first put water in your tank, how is it possible to have -zero- amount of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates? I thought that once you have -zero- ammonia and nitrites (after a spike, that is), you would have trace amounts of nitrates, not -zero-. Am I wrong? My ammonia test...
  2. jdazzle

    adding lr to cycle a tank

    If you add cured lr to your tank, but it was shipped to you, then it goes through a cycling period, correct? At what point do the ammonia levels start to elevate? Is it possible for no increase in ammonia levels for 3+ weeks? In addition, what are some good, easily readable test kits...
  3. jdazzle

    cycle over? next steps?

    Sorry for the constant questions, but only a few more: Now that I believe the tank has cycled, do I perform my regular water changes now? -and- Can I add the above mentioned inverts at once, or should I only do 2-3 at a time? Thanx again!
  4. jdazzle

    cycle over? next steps?

    When I say "looks" about zero, it is because my eyes have a little trouble telling the difference between yellow and yellow with a slight green tinge! In response to the algae question, yes, I have some diatom action going on in the tank, and one small patch of green algae on one of my lr. In...
  5. jdazzle

    cycle over? next steps?

    Allright, here we go: I've got a 20 gallon long tank with ~30 lbs. of lr that I put in about 3 weeks ago. I think that it is now cycled, but I am unsure. My ammonia levels look just about zero, my nitrites are zero, and I have a small amount of nitrates. My salinity is 1.023, temp 82 degrees...
  6. jdazzle

    green/brown algae

    here's a question: i'm still in my cyling period, but i have some green/brown algae growing on my sand and a piece of pvc in my tank. what should i do?
  7. jdazzle

    cycling and algae question

    couple of questions: first off, i have a twenty gallon long tank with about 10 pounds of lr (ordering 20 more as we speak) and about 2 inches of ls in the bottom. my ammonia levels are negligible, as are my nitrite levels. i don't think i have actually hit my cyling period yet, and there is a...